Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Absolutely among the worst legislation to ever come out of Springfield

High sign for legal pot — Pritzker inks bill making Illinois 11th state to allow recreational reefer

Illinois residents 21 and over will be able to buy marijuana at dispensaries as soon as Jan. 1. 

It's the role of government protect the people from vices not to encourage vices. Screw Pritzker and every legislator that voted for this. 


  1. Anonymous6/26/2019

    Next year we'll be hearing about how cocaine doesn't form any habits in people and we should legalize it.

  2. Anonymous6/26/2019

    Lets see what the street gangs have to say about this with all the lost revenue. Will we see an even HIGHER violent crime rate in Chicago and surrounding burbs??? I believe so.

  3. They should have tried it out in Cook County first to see how it flies there. Im sure the city of Chicago can iron out any kinks in the plan.

  4. Anonymous6/27/2019

    Are all you Mt. Greenbilly wife beating drunk drivers that scared of legal Pot? Worry about your livers instead.

  5. Anonymous6/27/2019

    What else can our state do do debase itself?

    1. Anonymous6/29/2019

      oh just wait......ITS COMING!!

    2. Anonymous6/29/2019

      Prostitution is next!

  6. Anonymous7/07/2019

    Decriminalize all drugs like Portugal end the madness see a doctor get help not Judge and prison. All aspects of crime have gone down in Portugal since this was enacted Police can go after real crimes and search for missing persons.
