Monday, May 13, 2019

The Doctrine of Equity

Equity is a whole different ballgame. It is based on the idea that the only certain measure of “equality” is outcome—educational, social, and occupational. The equity-pushers axiomatically assume that if all positions at every level of hierarchy in every organization are not occupied by a proportion of the population that is precisely equivalent to that proportion in the general population that systematic prejudice (racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.) must be at play. This assumption has as its corollary the idea that there are perpetrators (the “privileged,” for current or historical reasons) who are unfair beneficiaries of the system or outright perpetrators of prejudice and who must be identified, limited and punished.
There is simply no excuse for this doctrine. First, it suffers from the oversimplification typical of ideological thinkers: that one cause (prejudice) is sufficient explanation for a very complex phenomenon (that of inequality, which is a far deeper problem than can be laid at the feet of inefficient social organization). Second, it is impossible to implement, as there are simply too many organizations, strata of positions, and identities of the identity group sort to possibly treat in the “equitable” manner demanded by the ideologues. Finally, it is being forcibly instituted by individuals for whom the hypothesis that the West is a singularly oppressive patriarchy is an unshakeable axiom, and who will fight tooth and nail any idea that threatens that absolute article of faith, no matter how absurd the arguments that constitute that fight are destined to become. It is my fervent hope, and optimistic belief, that the doctrine of equity contains within it so many intrinsic contradictions that it will fatally undermine the ideology of the radical left.
Jordan Peterson


  1. Anonymous5/13/2019

    Geez, did this guy pay off his school learn early? Here's some phrasing that I believe makes this contributor a pretentious snob, "singularly oppressive patriarchy is an unshakeable axiom". Now really, who the fuck talks like that. Does anyone speak English any more? Writing like this is an example of someone who wants to show everyone he's the brightest bulb in the room. Why not just say that the inequality in social and economic standing can be mostly attributed to indifference to life situations until its easier, after the fact, to blame someone else for their station in life. Want an example? At a crime scene of a senseless shooting, an offender is apprehended. The officer asks the offender why he shot the victim. The offender replies, "I don't know". See what I mean, indifference. Racism or sexism hasn't got a damn thing to do with it.

    1. Anonymous5/13/2019

      You're an idiot.

  2. Anonymous5/13/2019

    Hmm, sounds like the bill passing through the illinois legislature requiring all publicly traded companies located in Illinois to have at least one Black, one woman and one Latino on their board of directors or face a $100,000 fine they forgot about including one native american, one handicapped person and at least one LGBT person. Easily solved by corporations by fleeing or not even locating in Illinois. Welcome to one of the least business friendly states in the nation all courtesy of the Democratic party, determined to destroy Illinois.

    1. Anonymous5/14/2019

      Exactly. All the while the media virtually ignores this insane turn we are taking in Illinois. Even Cuomo in New York finally wised up to see that raising taxes on the very wealthy even more will encourage them to leave. And the rich can typically move more easily than other groups.
