Friday, May 31, 2019

Should be jailed

busy advising the Iranians

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Thursday he believes President Trump was correct when he suggested former secretary of state John Kerry violated the Logan Act.

"It's true. I was there in Munich ... I saw not only Kerry ... [others] met with the Iranian leadership,” Pompeo said during an appearance on "Fox and Friends." “It's unusual, but more importantly, it's wrong."

The secretary was commenting an explosive assertion from Trump earlier this month that Kerry committed a treasonous action when he reportedly was engaged in secret talks with Iranian diplomats in an attempt to salvage the Iranian nuclear deal after the current administration nixed it.


  1. Anonymous5/31/2019

    Sure he did. at the outset of the Trump administration, Kerry was advising the Iranians how to sidestep the terms of the agreement and also how to sidestep any sanctions that would be imposed. Obama and Kerry delivered all that low denomination truckloads of cash. As for negotiations, you may recall the guy who sat at the table with him with the goofy haircut, the two of them couldn't negotiate crossing the street at a stoplight.

  2. No. He stopped once the US pulled out of the deal.

  3. Anonymous5/31/2019

    IIRC this would NOT be the first time that jacques kerree violated the Logan Act - he was in Paris back in the day when he had NO legal standing nor reason to be there. I'll let the gentle readers decide who he was giving advice to.

  4. Anonymous6/02/2019

    They can give $150 Billion to Iran but can't bailout pension plans shame on both parties
