Thursday, May 9, 2019

Parts of Mt. Greenwood reverting back to swamp!

Until the early 1950's the area east of Kedzie from 104th to 106th was known as Lake Ridge. Check the old relief maps. At some point it was filled in and the houses were built. Now it's flooding again as old swamps so often do. Many houses there have experienced shifting and flooded basements. At least one insurance company has redlined the area. A check on Google Earth shows the area has sunk 3 inches since 2011. 

What can be done? 


  1. Anonymous5/10/2019

    The drunks won’t even notice. Move along

  2. Anonymous5/10/2019

    May be right. I have noticed all the cracked streets and sidewalks. Alleys are flooded bad too. That never happened before.

  3. Anonymous5/10/2019

    Beverly looks like Englewood

    1. Anonymous5/10/2019

      How dare you say that.My parents work hard to help me pay for my home in Beverly, pay most of kids tuition and make my car payments. Now stop.

  4. Anonymous5/10/2019

    I wouldn't call Google Earth an civil Engineering reference point.

  5. Anonymous5/11/2019

    It’s because JB from Hinky Dink’s, is wetting his bed so much
