Monday, May 6, 2019


Winter Is Coming. (For Leftists, Communists, Democrats, and Deep State Traitors)

4 Big Issues in Attorney General’s First Hearing After Getting Mueller Report


  1. Anonymous5/07/2019

    A full investigation of the Obama administration is long overdue. OIG investigations should have been completed by now.

  2. Anonymous5/07/2019

    This is why the Democratic Socialist Party is trying to discredit Barr NOW. It is nothing new. If the Republicans and sane Democrats want to defeat this cancer that has taken over the Democratic Party they only need to look at history, and what Socialists/Communists have written about how they try to take over a nation. They tell you exactly how to do it. They destroy basic morality, especially the family, they go after traditional institutions, (military, religious etc..), they take over the education, they take over the "press" (we now call the, cable, internet). Once they get the upper hand they start to use brute force. Wake up 19th Ward Proud Union Homes....they hate you too. They just try to hide it...for now.

  3. Anonymous5/09/2019

    is there anything more embarrassing than the current crop of democratic congressman who are truly unashamed of making total asses of themselves on national television. if they had a who's the biggest asshole contest they'd be hard pressed to pick a winner. Unfortunately for us, several are declared candidates for president so we can look forward to another year or so of their pandering.
