Friday, April 12, 2019


Playing Stupid: James Comey doesn't know 'what the heck' Barr meant about 'spying' on Trump camp

James Comey might as well start wearing a bathrobe and walk the streets like an infamous Mafia Don who used to do that to fool a jury that he was out to lunch.  Comey said, “I really don’t know what he’s talking about when he talks about spying on the campaign,”

Go get a good lawyer, Jim.  Michael Avenatti might not be available though.  


  1. Anonymous4/12/2019

    Comey's attorney is none other than, Patrick Fitzgerald, former U.S Attorney for the Northern District of IL. Comey is on record stating that Fitzgerald has been advising him since his termination as F.B.I. Director. Comey is a Goof.....

  2. Anonymous4/13/2019

    Comey's like the kid who shit his pants and is looking around the classroom asking who cut the cheese.

  3. Anonymous4/16/2019

    Looking forward to Day of The Rope.
