Saturday, April 6, 2019

The Vortex — (Not) Making America Great Again


  1. Anonymous4/06/2019

    This guy really hits it right on the head. A friend of mine was a seminarian in the Augustinians in the early 1970's and said the seminary was a haven for draft dodgers. Wonder what happened to the straight seminarians and priests? Where are they today? They all started a mass exodus out of the church after the Paris Peace talks were signed in 1972.
    Many of the seminarians and priests that stayed where Homosexual.

    A lot of the Archdiocese money problems that caused Bernadine to close the Churches in 1990 were partially the result that many Priests had Aids and the medical costs were bankrupting the Archdioceses.

    There are a handful of us that are left that remember the sex abuse scandal that St. John Fisher had in 1967. It was years until the priest was public ally identified. The incidents that took place at St. John Fisher and a few months later at St Francis De Paula in Grand Crossing have yet to be mentioned by the archdioceses to this day. So there is an example of a cover up still going on.

  2. Anonymous4/08/2019

    It angers me that each month, at Mass, there's a solicitation of some kind or another for a charitable cause. Catholic high school tuitions are through the roof, St. Ignatius approaching 20K with an additional thousand in pledged fundraising. The Catholic Church is the single largest property holder in the City of Chicago. And with every pedophile accusation payoff, more and more schools and parishes close, all because of financial instability and downed enrollments. Parishioners take it upon themselves to fund raise attempting to keep their churches open. Maybe Cardinal Cupich could approach insurance brokers to offer errors and Commissions insurance to every diocesan priest, so that when they choose to diddle an unsuspecting juvenile, the cost of the 20 year down the road lawsuit would fall on them, and not the parishioners, who in many cases, have already been victimized by these predator priests.
