Monday, April 22, 2019

2d civil war. Is it possible?


By Randy Rossi -
Rasmussen Reports did a poll in June 2018 that showed that roughly one third of Americans believe that we are in our 2nd Civil War and it will get violent in 5 years. That war is between conservative patriots that support our Constitution, Bill of Rights, Electoral College, and our fundamental American values that made America the most powerful and prosperous nation in the history of the world and those liberals that are attacking all of those American institutions and values to impose socialism and government control on “We the people."
We are indeed at a critical point in our history and we must remember what John Adams warned us of, “There has not been a democracy yet that hasn’t committed suicide”. Over the last 2,600 years the average life of a democracy is just 200 years. If we allow these liberal Democrats to destroy our core institutions and values, they will destroy the world’s oldest continuous democracy. After all, a Gallup poll in August 2018 reported that while 57% of Democrats view socialism favorably, only 47% of Democrats view capitalism favorably! That is our new battleground. Socialism is government control, not freedom!

So my fellow patriots, how can we peacefully win this “2nd civil war”?  Simple, by using our most powerful nonviolent tools; our money, knowledge, and voting power.
As much as Democrats love the idea of socialism, millionaire socialists like Bernie Sanders have shown us that they love money too. Our money! The best way to defeat them is to turn off our money. Our Founding Fathers aggressively boycotted British made products and focused on buying American made products to force Britain to stop abusing them. Remember the “Boston Tea Party”? And it almost worked. British companies put massive pressure on King George III to look for a peaceful settlement so it wouldn’t hurt their businesses. Unfortunately, once violence broke out at the battles of Lexington and Concord, the violent battle began. But one George Washington defeated Cornwallis at Yorktown with French help, King George III settled for peace and to get back to business because of pressure from British businessmen.
If all patriots stopped buying products sold by liberal companies that attack our values and institutions, they will stop or go broke! If Americans turned off the “Fake News”, they will stop being “Fake” or they will fade away. While conservatives may be a voting minority especially in big cities, conservatives are who pay the bills and fund those liberal cities, liberal companies, and liberal news outlets that constantly attack our values. For instance, incredibly liberal Hollywood would go broke if all conservatives quit watching their movies. Nike would either go broke or change its ways if conservatives quit buying their products for backing a football player that insults our great nation by kneeling during the National Anthem.
Liberals are using this strategy by attacking companies that advertise on conservative Fox News for instance. Another example is their attacks on Chick-fil-A because they support a belief in God. How do we conservatives fight back? Simple, watch Fox News and go to Chick Fillet! I do. Don’t do business with companies that attack our values. For instance, why use Facebook and Twitter when everybody knows that they discriminate against conservatives and favor liberal causes? And we can win that battle because conservatives work harder and create more wealth than liberals do! Liberals need our money.
And finally, 100% of conservatives need to vote in every election that there is since roughly half of liberals don’t bother to vote! If we did that, even though we may be a numeric minority we would be a clear voting majority!
Loyal Americans need to work hard to stay informed so they know who is hurting our great nation so they can punish them financially. Patriots may be a voting minority, but so were our Founding Fathers. Only 1/3 of Americans favored revolution while 1/3 were “Loyalists” who supported Britain and 1/3 were neutral. But our Founding Fathers won because of their courage and devotion to freedom and as a result they gave us our great republic and freedom!

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