Monday, February 11, 2019

WTF is this fool talking about? Hard Power?

England is being invaded by muslims,  arriving at the rate of 2000 a day, everyday.
Williamson should address that.

The aircraft-carrier Queen Elizabeth, with two squadrons of F-35 stealth fighters on board, will be sent into disputed waters in the Pacific in a display of “hard power”, the defence secretary is due to announce in a major speech on Britain’s military strategy in the post-Brexit world.
Gavin Williamson will declare the UK “may have to intervene” in future to confront aggression from countries like Russia and China who “flout international law” and are “resurgent” in rebuilding their armed forces.
Britain and its western allies have to be ready “to use hard power to support our interests”, the defence secretary is due to say in an address at RUSI (Royal United Services Institute) in London on Monday. “We have to be ready to show the high price of aggressive behaviour, ready to strengthen our resilience.” 


  1. Anonymous2/12/2019

    As the left and globalists actively try to sabotage Brexit.

  2. Anonymous2/12/2019

