Friday, February 8, 2019

"Easy Call"

ENDORSEMENT: Matthew J. O’Shea for 19th Ward alderman

19th Ward aldermanic candidate and incumbent Matthew J. O'Shea is endorsed by the Sun-Times. | Rich Hein/Sun-Times
By Sun-Times Editorial Board

Far Southwest Side

This race is an easy call. Matthew J. O’Shea is a popular alderman who has moved up to the important job of running the City Council’s Aviation Committee. The ward, which includes Beverly, Mount Greenwood, Morgan Park and Washington Heights, has seen a number of businesses move in, including the $18 million Morgan Park Sports Center, an indoor ice rink and gymnastics facility, on a site that had been vacant for years. O’Shea’s top priority for the next four years is public safety, and he wants to continue finding new money for schools in the ward, including Morgan Park High School. Also running is retirement financial adviser David A. Dewar.

He never smiles for photographs.


  1. Anonymous2/08/2019

    If he had hair he would be smiling

  2. Anonymous2/08/2019

    O'Shea voted for a city budget that took health insurance away from city retirees and widows. We're now paying thousands of dollars a year for Obamacare. O'Shea won't get my vote.

    1. Anonymous2/08/2019

      Nobody is happy unless they are getting something for nothing.

    2. Anonymous2/08/2019

      The city made a promise to provide retiree healthcare in exchange for many years of service and sacrifice. The widows were hurt more than retirees.

    3. Anonymous2/08/2019

      Would you smile if you looked like that.

    4. Anonymous2/08/2019

      The retirees also promised to work 8 hours a day for city not 2 hours.
      So, whatever

    5. Anonymous2/08/2019

      He always has that constipated look.

  3. Anonymous2/09/2019

    He smiles at mcnallys

  4. Anonymous2/09/2019

    What is chronic constipation?
    Chronic constipation is a common condition that is characterized by difficult, infrequent, or perceived incomplete evacuation of bowel movements. Symptoms of constipation include having less than 3 bowel movements per week, straining, hard stools, incomplete evacuation and inability to pass stool.

  5. Anonymous2/09/2019

    He knows he just there for a cheap vote. He has no say in anything. Within 4 years he’ll be slinging drinks at orourkes.

    1. Anonymous2/10/2019

      Dart will make him jail guard
