Sunday, July 1, 2018

Nice Going

Crew is having dinner with Senator Cunningham
CSX train blocking 105th, 109th, 111th at Maplewood and who knows what else right now at 8:20 pm. Emergency vehicles are not able to get through. Either they go around the blockage or maybe suburban police and fire can handle it. If they can't handle it, too bad.

Traffic throughout the neighborhood has been turned into a cluster---. 


  1. Anonymous7/01/2018

    CSX donates heavily to 19th Ward elected officials.
    Check the website of the Illinois Board of Elections.

  2. Anonymous7/01/2018

    You didn't notice those railroad tracks before you moved there? Look at the good point, it keeps a certain group on their side of the tracks.

  3. Anonymous7/01/2018

    Now you know what us Truck Drivers go through at the rail yards waited 3hrs at Global 1 for them to break up the train blocking the exit.

  4. Anonymous7/01/2018

    Why can't the trains stop before blocking all the roads if the railyard is full make them wait in the rural areas before coming into Chicago? Not enough truck drivers more freight going on the train full capacity.

  5. Anonymous7/02/2018

    I would say that the case for a series of viaducts and/or underpasses is becoming compelling. Nothing else seems to help. The railroad is actually laughing at us.

  6. Anonymous7/02/2018

    I would like to ask if there is a plan for emergency services in the event that a train is stopped for an inordinate amount of time?

    I know we have a firehouse in the Wood. I am speaking of an over-whelming emergency.

    1. Anonymous7/02/2018

      Great question.
      Do we have agreements with the nearby suburbs to provide mutual aid for police and fire emergencies?
      Alderman O'Shea must have the answer.

    2. Anonymous7/02/2018

      Don't worry, we have plenty of officers west of tracks. Most sitting at 115 bourbon street

  7. Anonymous7/02/2018

    So cpd couldn't make it to 115 bourbon street?

    1. Anonymous7/02/2018

      According to you the whole 22nd building and cars are located in Marionette Park at Bourbon street. The old 10 year old 22nd district is a headquarters for street sweepers at streets and san now.

  8. Anonymous7/03/2018

    Engineer runs out of hours near the railyard the train has to stop they have to bring in a new crew no leeway.

  9. Anonymous7/03/2018

    I lived in the area of 106th and Kedzie as a kid. NEVER saw a standing train on either main lines. They flew by very fast. Different times

    1. Anonymous7/03/2018

      That was then, this is now. CSX has made friends with a local pol and found she or he eager to please in exchange for a nice steak dinner and a cheap donation. Ever since then CSX has done what they want.

  10. Anonymous7/03/2018

