Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Free Blago

Patti Blagojevich plays her Trump card: It’s all Barack Obama’s fault combined with the fact that Rod was a major asshole to everyone. 

Not even major assholes have to do 14 years.


  1. I honestly feel Trump will pardon or commute Rod's sentence after the Gov.elections are over

  2. Anonymous7/25/2018

    Blagojevich's major sin was and is the downfall of many politicians; that is, starting to believe his own bullshit. Consider if he didn't get into the pissing match with Richard Mell over Mell's cousin's landfill near Joliet. The pay for play over fundraising and the prominence of Christopher Kelly might never have surfaced. The attempts to parlay his authority to name a senate replacement for Obama didn't strike me as much different than the haggling that goes one with the Cook County democratic committeeman's meeting during platemaking. As far as attempts to raise cash for his campaigns, consider the Clinton and Obama fundraisers where you'd have to plunk down $38K to get in and have your photo taken with these two. Blago got screwed by pissing off the likes of Madigan and later Judge Zagle. They decided to teach him a lesson. And in return we got Quinn, who inexplicably pardoned a guy who tried to shoot 3 police officers. And beyond that 2 incompetent billionaires are now trying to run the state even further into the ground. God help us.

  3. Anonymous7/25/2018

    115 bourbon street will offer Blago job in cpd no tipping section

  4. Anonymous7/25/2018

    Any public official should get at least 3x the sentence for betraying the public trust. Blago got what he deserved.

    1. Anonymous7/25/2018

      and then 2x for being a lawyer and should have known better.

  5. Anonymous7/25/2018

    The sale of anything involves a seller and one or more buyers.
    Why did the Department of Justice pull down the wiretap before the other players could be ensnared? Who was the DOJ protecting? Obama? Jesse Jr? Who?

  6. Anonymous7/25/2018

    Jesse Jr. had his money men from India do all the asking. He skated until all the stuff came out about his Michael Jackson (the only Jackson in this soap opera with a normal name, but abnormal life-style- - ie Bubbles who he was forever blowing) memorabilia and his white girlfriend. We can go down the list but everything can probably be best summed up by saying we've got the sleeziest politicians in the country representing us.
