Monday, June 25, 2018

Why are governments rushing to make it legal?



  1. Anonymous6/25/2018

    All things in moderation. Common sense.

  2. Andrew6/25/2018

    The more toxic the substance, the smaller the margin of error.

    The pot smoked in the '70s is, well, weak-assed-shite compared to even common ditch-weed stuff of today. The ultra blends are hashish level of concentration.

    And don't even get me started on 'medical marijuana' as a tax source. If it's medicine, it shouldn't be taxed. If it isn't, well, just say so. (And yes, there are medicinal benefits from CBDs, just not THC. And smoking it is the worst way to take it.)

  3. Anonymous6/25/2018

    I find the whole marijuana legalization hypocritical. You can't smoke a cigarette anywhere anymore, and it is a legal product. Where are the attack adds against marijuana? Strictly a tax $$ grab. I am all for legal medical marijuana to ease pain and suffering.

  4. Anonymous6/29/2018

    You can't overdose on Marijuana! The only withdrawal symptoms are insomnia for a few weeks and vivid dreams not addictive.
