Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Porcelain Prince | Holy S---


  1. Anonymous6/20/2018

    So JB yanks all the toilets out of his gold coast mansion, and Rauner bullshits about which of his 8 homes he really lives in so he can get his kid into a selective enrollment Chicago school. Meanwhile his wine club buddy running for Mayor uses his wife's wedding dress stashed in a basement bin as proof of Chicago residency. What a fucking crop of lying, cheating losers. We're in for another tough 4 years in bankrupt Illinois.

    1. Anonymous6/21/2018

      Speak for yourself. I am going Hoosier.

  2. Anonymous6/21/2018

    Wish I could, kids in school and other residency issues

  3. Anonymous6/21/2018

    and what legal firm that specializes in tax law advised him to do that...….

  4. Anonymous6/22/2018

    Head in the trough Democrats will elect him hoping to get more free cheese, problem is the state can't pay for all the cheese handouts now.
