Wednesday, June 20, 2018

No more loaded guns.....bullets must be carried in shirt pocket and no more than three

California capitol-alert, proposed limits on police lethal force


  1. Anonymous6/20/2018

    He's correct. Illinois needs to change law.
    To many scared young officers from suburbs on cpd.

  2. Anonymous6/20/2018

    We have all seen the result when the police get overwhelmed. They begin to act stupid and negligent. Best to leave the sargent or maybe local firemen carry the extra bullets.

  3. Anonymous6/20/2018

    21 year's on CPD.
    Not once pulled gun from holster. Maybe once at Hinkey Dinks after card game

  4. Anonymous6/21/2018

    What are we in Mayberry? I just have a picture in my head of Barney Fife fumbling in his shirt pocket to take out his lone bullet! Ridiculous.
