In their 1997 book, The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy – What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America’s Next Rendezvous With Destiny, authors William Strauss and Neil Howe describe the history of America — the 13 colonies and the United States — as a fourfold cycle of generational types. People in a particular age group tend to share a distinct set of beliefs, attitudes, values and behaviors because they all grew up and came of age during a particular period in history. Strauss and Howe maintained that every 80 years American history has been marked by a crisis or “fourth turning” that destroyed an old order and created a new one. Reportedly, Steve Bannon, President Trump’s former chief strategist and senior counselor, is a proponent of the “fourth turning” idea.
Jay Weidner is a filmmaker, author and radio personality. In the essay, “Trump and the Fourth Turning,” he advances the intriguing notion that the unexpected election of Donald Trump to the presidency began a Fourth Turning — a time of upheaval and an opportunity to push back the Left and defeat their attempt
to radically transform America.
Admittedly, however, we don’t really need the notion of a fourth turning to know that we are in the fight of our lives against the Left’s systematic — and thus far, successful — deformation of America.
While long, “Trump and the Fourth Turning” is well worth your read.
H/t maziel
Trump and the Fourth Turning
By Jay Weidner
Chapter One: The Fourth Turning.
Two historians William Strauss and Neil Howe wrote a very interesting book called, The Fourth Turning (1997). In this significant book the two authors show that the United States goes through a Turning every 80 to 85 years.
The first turn was from 1776 to 1789 when the Republic was founded.
The second turning was from 1860 to 1865 when the civil war erupted.
The third turning was from 1940 to 1945, with the Great Depression and World War Two.
The fourth turning is now. For the next 13 years until 2030 the Fourth Turning of the United States will be in full swing.
What is interesting about these turnings is how each Turn reflects back on the Turn before. The issues that are unresolved in one turning are attempted to be resolved in the next Turn. For instance the Founding Fathers, in order to create a Union, more or less ignored and put off the most important problem our young country faced, which was slavery in the south.
The second turning was all about solving that problem, which unfortunately resulted in 600,000 men, as well as many women and children being killed.
If we go to the third turning we can see that the most popular movie at the time was Gone with the Wind (1939), which glorified the antebellum south. The movie today seems like an oddity, almost surreal. One might surmise that Gone With the Wind was a movie made solely for the Third Turning. Viewing it today through the lens of our modern sensibilities, it is prosaic and almost silly. Interestingly now as the fourth turning is coming we can see a return to movies about slavery and the civil war (12 Years a Slave, Django Unchained). Civil rights issues that were not solved in the third turning are starting to rise up again as we approach the end of that Turn and the start of the next.
Chapter Two: The Left Attempts To Manufacture The Fourth Turning.
It is my opinion that Left and the Democrats read and absorbed the book, The Fourth Turning. Starting in the late 1990’s, just after the book came out, the Left began attempting to construct the Fourth Turning. They believed that they could successfully change America forever by acting out and consciously manipulating the change they wanted.
And the way that they would do this was a two-fold action:
First they would amp up Identity Politics. They would label anyone who spoke out against this forced induction of the Fourth Turning as a ‘racist’, ‘sexist’ and ‘homophobe’. The second part of the forced and manufactured Fourth Turning was to open the borders and flood America with people who do not share our basic values and ethics who due to many factors are poorly educated and due to this are easily controlled.
And so we watched the last eight years in horror as the Left began creating their fake Fourth Turning.
Chapter Three: But Turnings Cannot Be Manufactured.
What the Left does not understand is that Turnings are spontaneous. They cannot be controlled. One cannot manufacture a Turning. It must rise spontaneously from the hearts and minds of the people and it must be a surprise to the powers that be and to everyone else.
Back in 1776, most people never believed that the US revolution, which marked the First Turning, would ever succeed. Yet it did. Most people did not want the Civil War, the hallmark of the Second Turning, yet it happened. No one but our mad leaders, elites, and bankers wanted the Great Depression and World War Two of the Third Turning, yet they occurred.
What I am getting to here is that we don’t know as of yet what the Fourth Turning will manifest. But we can see that the election of Donald Trump was so unexpected, so populist in nature that it has surprised all of the experts. No one can realistically contradict the obvious fact that the election was a rebellion against the establishment and the endlessly encroaching programs of the New World Order. Whether you like Trump or not, he has upended the political establishment. The entire mainstream media has been exposed and the Democrats (read The Left) are not only on the ropes but they have no bench.
Because they tried to manufacture The Fourth Turning, using identity politics instead of a merit system, they have found themselves caught in a conundrum of their own making with no significant leaders and no rising stars.
Their first attempt at Identity Politics was when they brought in Obama and he shamed the majority into voting for him twice. The plan was to then to finish off their manipulation of the Fourth Turning by electing a woman and attempting to do the same thing with her. Essentially their approach once again was to shame the majority into doing what the Left wanted using Identity Politics.
But Hillary is no Obama. Whatever you think of Obama he can still deliver a good speech and he is likable. Hillary is neither.
But it wasn’t Hillary who lost the election; it was the amazing accomplishment of Trump who perceiving the dissatisfaction and needs of the populace – against all odds – won.
Chapter Four: The Real Fourth Turning.
So if one were to define a real Fourth Turning I think that this would have to be the one. And the Trump Wave is only the first part of the Fourth Turning. Like all Turnings the Trump Wave was spontaneous, surprising, tumultuous. It was dizzying, threatening and dangerous.
It still is all of those things and – if I am right – all of these things will continue. In fact it could get very dangerous. Especially when the Left finally figures out that the jig is up and they have been upended. How will they react when they take off their blinders and come face to face with the fact that the majority has come to realize how the Left plays this game and how unfair and deceptive they actually are.
The timing is impeccable. The Third Turning ended in 1945. If Trump and his movement can hang onto power until 2024 then that will be almost exactly 80 years from the Third Turning.
This means that Trump’s movement is in control of The Fourth Turning. We are in a moment that is critical to the future of this country.
This is why the Left is so outraged at the moment. They thought that they had it in the bag. They thought that they could indoctrinate and overwhelm us with the ‘change’ that so few of us really wanted.
Chapter Five: What Happened?
The Left has never been more than 20% of the population. They know this. That is why they infiltrated the Education System, the Media, and Hollywood. They tried to change us, and this country, through intimidation, propaganda, and re-education. The Left, the Establishment Media and Hollywood have spent the last two decades telling us that all of the values that we hold as a culture and as a country are reprehensible, appalling, and downright evil.
Our children were taught in the propaganda mills we call public schools that America was racist, sexist, misogynist, vile, heartless, etc.
But then something happened. A few years ago much of America stopped listening to all of this chatter. It was if a giant collective decision had been made to turn off the propaganda mills. Increasingly, television ratings began tanking, especially on the shows that were filled with the most anti-American propaganda. Movies also began losing money big time.
Americans were saying ‘no’ to the propaganda machine but the minions who run the propaganda machine didn’t seem to understand. The movies, media and television shows kept trying to sell us their substitute view of reality. When Caitlin Jenner received an Arthur Ashe ‘Courage’ award from ESPN you could hear the collective psychological backlash.
The Media and the Establishment had just gone too far.
It is like we were living in two separate universes. In one universe we are told that we are all sexists, homophobes and racists, and that our country is full of hate. On the other hand, you only have to open your eyes to see that we are living and working with people of numerous races, religions, opposite sexes and openly gay people and we aren’t ruffled by any of it.
In fact Americans were downright puzzled by the insults from the Left as they had openly elected Barack Obama twice. Clearly many Trump voters had also voted for Obama.
Chapter Six: Dangers Ahead.
The Trump movement had better become steely fast. The insults are going to get worse as we succeed in dismantling the manufactured BS culture that the establishment has been forcing on us
There is a Fourth Turning and like all the previous Turnings this one will be unexpected, spontaneous and full of surprises. That is what is in store for us for the next 13 years. We will come out of this Turning around 2030.
The war is just heating up and the Left is not going to take this sitting down. Expect epic violence against us. Expect violence against the Police and Military to increase.
Even now the raging activists of the Left are planning for a color revolution this spring. The elites in the establishment are so freaked out by the spontaneous eruption of the Trump Movement that they will employ a vast number of mindless Social Justice Warriors to try to reverse what has just happened. Outrageous acts by the Left are about to occur and the mainstream media will be behind it and openly support it.
In this we see the insanity of the psychopathic Left. They claim that they are the rebels and revolutionaries but in reality they are the stooges of the Establishment. It is the Establishment that educated their minds to believe what they think. It was the Establishment that fed their brains for the last 30 years.
The Left thinks it is rebelling against the entrenched order but in reality it was their candidate, Hillary Clinton that was supported by the old money, the Banks, Wall Street, the Rothschild’s and the Rockefellers. It was Hillary that was one hundred percent supported by CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC. It was Hillary who voted for both the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars, not Trump who was against them.
The Left is protesting that the Pro-War, Pro-Wall Street, Pro Banker candidate LOST!
This reversal of the Left’s formerly Anti-War, Anti-Wall Street, and Anti-Banker positions will do great damage to their future. Does the Left think we are not watching them? Does the Left think we aren’t noticing their epic hypocrisy?
How can they ever be trusted again if they supported such a candidate? That they would riot, destroy property and scream obscenities because their Pro-War, Pro-Wall Street, Pro–Banker candidate lost is so surreal, so unbelievable, that it boggles the mind.
What we are about to witness will be a continuous attempt to manufacture and seize hold of the narrative of the Fourth Turning by the Left. Black Lives Matter will continue to be funded by George Soros; the Establishment will still pay the Social Justice Warriors.
But it won’t matter. Thirteen years is enough time for us to turn the Left back. Our alternative media is already beating the hell out of the mainstream media. As one can see from the pushback of the mainstream news, the Left will do everything it can to shut down the alternative media.
What we must do next is to destroy their edifices of power. We are already doing it with the media. We must boycott all of their media. We must boycott their movies. Just like what is currently happening to the NFL, we must also do this to all of their institutions.
We must collectively decide to quit eating their crappy sugary, GMO food and believing their insane propaganda. We must home school our kids to keep their minds away from the Leftist infiltrators. We must remake the education system and root out the Leftists infiltrators. We must expose them for what they are. They won’t like it and it will be through their reaction to us that we will discover how truly psychopathic they are.
This is a war and the odds are good for us. We are strong, united and clearly the majority. Now it’s time for us to take power and remake our culture. Let’s ignore the Left unless it is to reveal their own innate stupidity.
Oh and let’s also have fun.
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