Sunday, April 15, 2018

James Comey - should just shut up

hard to believe a person with his emotional makeup, led the FBI


  1. Anonymous4/15/2018

    No intention of watching this self serving pussy. As this story unfolded, I try to imagine a prosecutor who sucked his way to the top and turning out to be a self righteous sniveling pussy, who tried to play both sides of the aisle, who stepped on his dick telling tales that he thought would never catch up with him. Can you imagine meeting with your boss, and making mental notes about the size of his hands, the length of his tie, his hair, etc. Its really a shame Sessions wimped out on this investigation.

  2. Anonymous4/15/2018

    Just like Hillary and obummer, please just go away. Take Rahm with you

  3. Anonymous4/15/2018


  4. Anonymous4/15/2018

    He has a big mouth and admitted leaking information! He should be the one under investigation. I think in the end he will.

  5. Anonymous4/16/2018

    “I think impeaching and removing Donald Trump from office would let the American people off the hook and have something happen indirectly that I believe they are duty bound to do directly. People in this county need to stand up and go to the voting booth and vote their values.” OH MY

    1. Anonymous4/16/2018

      The malice and bias directed towards Trump, since the debates is unparalleled. Contrary to what this poster said, Trump pointed out the hypocrisy, bad deal making, criminal behavior and unethical and dishonest actions of the previous democratic administrations. Personally, I don't want to be let off the hook, and I don't want these democratic criminals to get away with fleecing our country. If Trump is guilty of something criminal prosecute him instead of creating fictional affadavits to get illegal warrants and then create process crimes. I don't get the whole "off the hook" reference here. Are you a southpaw or just a regular lefty?

  6. Anonymous4/16/2018

    Cry baby!!

  7. Anonymous4/17/2018

    Deep State actor......
