Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Who's running, Chris Kennedy or his dad?

very dumb, bag of shit
if this guy were to get elected, it would be the worst thing since rod
Why do the Kennedy commercials continue showing film footage of Bobby Kennedy? Because the Kennedys are playing Illinois voters as a bunch of nostalgic idiots who will buy their bag of incompetent shit. 


  1. Hey Murph there doesn't seem to be a link to email you. Funeral arrangements have been announced for Brother Rice grad and life long south sider Bill Dolehide who was killed driving through Robbins. How about some coverage of his life, what happened and efforts to find the shooter. Mainstream media has moved on

  2. You're certainly right about that,but he was wildly popular with the older Afr/Amer who are old enough to remember him. However I don't find Chris Kennedy using RFK near as amusing as Joe Berrios saying he'll stand up to Trump if re-elected. Exactly what does the job of assessor have anything to do with Donald Trump one way or another??

  3. Anonymous3/13/2018

    back in the day when Adlai III was running for offices in Illinois, he used to dredge out his family legacy in politics that Dakin Williams, brother of playwright Tennessee Williams, used to refer to him as the 'Potato Candidate' because the better part of his family was buried in the ground while only the unattractive portions could be seen above the surface. The best insights into the Kennedy family political legacy might be viewed by reading the Boston Herald's Howie Carr, who can detail the skeletons of the Kennedy political dynasty. Spoiler alert, most were talentless, substance addicted buffoons who couldn't keep their president Johnsons in their pants.

  4. Anonymous3/14/2018

    Just a carpet bagger from the east, does this guy have any political experience in Illinois at all?

  5. Will you just stop for a minute and look at this dude’s pie hole?
    WTF is going on with this guy’s chompers?

  6. Anonymous3/14/2018

    Just read that the controversial film Chappaquidick is set for theatrical release on April 6th. Reviews are positive from everyone who's seen it, except of course, the Kennedys.
