Who is David Hogg, Florida Parkland School shooting survivor?
This is what David Hogg claims to be:
- A 17-year-old student, a senior, at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (CNN).
- The son of a FBI agent — the federal agency that is so maligned by President Trump.
- He and his family moved to Florida several years ago, when he was a freshman. Hogg once wrote on Reddit about moving in the middle of his freshman year and how hard it was because so many people in high school weren’t authentic (Heavy).
- Hogg is an aspiring broadcast journalist.
- He said he was in his environmental science class when he heard the first gunshots, and that they never had an active shooter drill at the school.
- He told CNN that during the shooting, he hid in a closet in the school — where he is a student. He said all he could think was “Tell the story.” So, while the gunman was shooting, the very brave Hogg pulled out his phone and interviewed people near him about what was happening because “I want to show these people exactly what’s going on when these children are facing bullets flying through classrooms and students are dying trying to get an education. If I was going to die, I wanted to die doing what I love, and that’s storytelling. And this is a story that needed to be heard. … At least our echoes, our voices would carry on and possibly make some action.”
Here’s the video Hobb took while he was hiding in a closet. So calm and so brave in the midst of a MASSACRE! — and with the presence of mind to advocate gun control!
But then, here’s a video of Hogg flubbing his lines. What survivor of a bloody school shooting does that?
And here’s David Hogg and other students who just survived the hellish ordeal of a bloody shooting massacre, having watched their fellow students get shot to death and wounded, laughing and whooping it up right before they put on their grim, sad faces for the TV camera.

Robert Runcie, superintendent of Broward County Schools, told the Tampa Bay Times that David Hogg (as well as another student “survivor” Emma Gonzalez) is indeed a student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School:
“These are absolutely students at Stoneman Douglas. They’ve been there. I can verify that. Anything to disparage such brilliant and passionate youth who have the courage to stand up and do what they’re doing, I just think it’s outrageous and disrespectful for someone to make those allegations.”
The only problem with the above is that it was posted on Facebook that David Hogg had actually graduated more than two years ago, in 2015, from the Redondo Shores High School in Redondo, part of Greater Los Angeles, California.
And here’s confirmation that David Hogg is a 2015 graduate of Redondo Shores High School — he registered as one on Classmates.com.
Below is a screenshot I took of David Hogg’s page on Classmates.com, showing the time (11:43 am) and date (2/21/2018) when I took the screenshot, in case Classmates removes the page. The page is also archived here.
↓Click image to enlarge↓
Now we know why he was captured in a TV news video in August 2017 in Redondo Beach, California, thousands of miles away from Parkland, Florida.
If David Hogg had already graduated from a California high school more than two years ago, in 2015, that means:
- He is not 17 years old, but is at least 19.
- He is not a student at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.
- He was not “hiding in a closet” in Stoneman Douglas High School during the shooting, filming himself advocating gun control.
Please contact Robert Runcie, superintendent of Broward County Schools, and ask him to produce evidence that David Hogg is registered as a student at Stoneman Douglas High School. To send him an email, click here.
There is a systematic effort to discredit the David Hogg 2015 Redondo Shores High School Yearbook as a “far right conspiracy theory”. See Business Insider.
It is said that the t-shirt worn by the student two rows above Hogg in the yearbook indicates that the yearbook is actually Stoneman Douglas High School, because the eagle is the mascot of Stoneman Douglas High School.
But the Stoneman Douglas High School t-shirts available don’t look like the one in the yearbook photo.

The shirt worn by the student two rows above David Hogg in the yearbook is most likely a Philadelphia Eagles t-shirt (h/t Vivian Lee):

UPDATE (FEB. 22, 2018):
Joey Wong tweeted a video showing the Yearbook with David Hogg’s pic is not Redondo Shores High School, but Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School:
UPDATE (MARCH 24, 2018):
David Hogg’s father, Kevin, had worked for a defense contractor that specializes in simulating crisis operations with crisis actors. David’s mother, Rebecca Boldrick, is a proud supporter of abortion mill Planned Parenthood.

See also:
- Parkland teacher: ‘Shooter was in full metal garb, helmet, face mask, bulletproof armor, shooting a rifle I’ve never seen before’
- The crisis actors of Florida Parkland School shooting
- Florida Valentine’s Day school shooting: anomalies and confessed shooter
What if.....................the shooting in Florida was made to order.
ReplyDeleteThis punk with the foul mouth is a media tool. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if some leftist Soros money was funneled to him for his performance. As far as life experience he has none. What better place for him than CNN.
ReplyDeleteSoros is the money guy, people like Michael Moore and Bill Maher are major players in the progressive center left agenda.
DeleteThey want to abolish the 2nd Amendment
They want to abolish the US Senate (think about it!!)
They want to pack the SCOTUS with libtazis to legalize their agenda
They want to abolish freedom of religion.
I hear Stormy Daniels was in one of the closets with David Hogg with her 38's
ReplyDeleteDavid Hogg made me tired of the gun control debate. Before teenage loudmouth got on tv 20 times i was agreeing with gun control.after watching david hogg over and over i wish david hogg would sit down and shut up.
ReplyDeleteOperation Mockingbird continues.....