Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Garry McCarthy announces run for mayor of Chicago!

CHICAGO (Fox 32 News) - Former Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy announced Monday night he will run for mayor against Rahm Emanuel.
McCarthy released the following statement regarding his campaign for mayor:
“It is no secret that Chicago is on the wrong path. This administration has brought us our failed education system, the overwhelming tax burden on hard-working people, and the violent crime that plagues the entire city. Over the past year, thousands of Chicagoans have approached and encouraged me to run for mayor to fix these problems. Under the current administration, we've heard nothing but broken promises
from City Hall. When our Mayor focuses on politics, and not problem solving, none of us can move forward. It's time for new leadership that will fix our problems and pull us together. After thoughtful consideration and at the urging of my supporters, community leaders, and my family, I am officially announcing that I am running for Mayor of Chicago.
With your help, I will humbly work in service to this city, each and every day.”

Just last month, McCarthy appeared on FOX 32’s “Flannery Fired Up” and defended Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke's decision to open fire on Laquan McDonald, who was fatally wounded in 2014.
“Everybody says he's walking away. It's not true to me. Walking away means you're going in that direction and I’m standing here. That's not the case,” McCarthy said.
Mayor Emanuel fired McCarthy amid turmoil following the fatal shooting of McDonald, which sparked citywide protests.


  1. Anonymous3/21/2018

    Good for him.Now,how many others will join him in running?Fioretti?Vallas?Dart?1-2 more? Might depend on if Rahm seeks another term.If he doesn't you could see 4-5 potential candidates.

    1. Anonymous3/22/2018

      Rahm is not running. Announcement after labor day.

    2. Anonymous3/22/2018

      How do you know this?

      Who will he try and insert?

  2. Anonymous3/22/2018

    Get C.P.D. out of firewater Gary!

  3. Anonymous3/22/2018

    Who would vote for this fat, drunk and uneducated moron.

  4. This will be fun for about 2 months, after that, the tent folds

  5. Anonymous3/22/2018

    This creating a problem in the 19th. Dart is supposed to be the one running for mayor. O'shea is supposed to be the next sheriff and Willie Winters is supposed too be our next alderman. each of them are men of distinction and full of ethics.

    1. Anonymous3/22/2018


    2. Anonymous3/22/2018

      Dart is full of something and its not ethics!

    3. Anonymous3/22/2018

      dart is a good guy. chicago should be so lucky.

    4. Anonymous3/22/2018

      LOL, if Dart ran Chicago like the Sheriff's office the city would be broke in two years. Just his hiring board flop is costing us over 100 million, not counting all the other avoidable suits he created.

    5. Anonymous3/22/2018

      Dart running for mayor? Really, I wouldn't vote for him, he's too smart for all us average voters. Maybe all the whores, all the inmates at the jail that whack off on the officers, or the missing electronic monitoring prisoners, or the pizza party participants, or all the intelligencia he brags to at the City Club, or the liberal radio hosts he crows to about shipping his employees to the farthest reaches of the county just to screw with him...maybe these folks will vote for him but in my book, I'll vote for anyone running against him, for any office.

      You run for an office, it has prescribed duties and responsibilities. You don't cherry pick what you do and don't do as an elected official. You don't go to Springfield and legislate laws the way you like, we have people we elected for that. Dart is an elitist who tries to come off as everyman because he dresses like he just rolled out of bed. He's cost the taxpayers of the county millions in awards from people filing suits against him because he sidesteps protocol. Sorry, when it comes to the sheriff, or candidate for mayor, fuck him.

    6. Anonymous3/22/2018

      Somebody got a six figure job from Dart I see. Feet up and belly out.

    7. Anonymous3/22/2018

      That somebody must be related to somebody in a position to spin the clown's missteps into plausible beaurocratic bullshit.

    8. Anonymous3/23/2018

      You have to be from Mars to not realize how incompetent Sheriff Dart is. He is down 1,300 officer positions since he took office because of all the lawsuits he had to pay. The Merit Board flap the Tribune estimated will be over 70 million. And it wasnt a technicality, he illegally appointed John Rosales to merit board in 2011 after Rosales donated to him. Dart new it was an illegal appointment but didn't care. We really want someone that corrupt and incompetent running Chicago now.

  6. Anonymous3/22/2018

    I welcome new potential candidates, but I have to say Rahm-- or whoever succeeded Daley--- was really in a nonwin situation. The city was left in a financial mess.

    1. Anonymous3/22/2018

      Believe me,Rahm knew exactly what he was getting himself into

    2. Anonymous3/22/2018

      He did, and he proclaimed himself to be of sound mind and sound character to get the job done. It's been 7 years now, and he has done nothing but make this city a worse place to live.

    3. Anonymous3/22/2018

      Where have you been last 7 years? 7 years ago it was unheard of for my neighbors to get robed or shot in m neighborhood.

    4. Anonymous3/24/2018

      Daley didn't handcuff the Police like Emanuel!

  7. Anonymous3/22/2018

    In Chicago, we vote for the least of evils.

  8. Anonymous3/22/2018

    Wait til Gary's past comes out with his ex and current wife.

  9. Anonymous3/23/2018

    Nothing but a drunken carpetbagger who has no credentials or balls.

  10. Anonymous3/23/2018

    What black person would vote for Gary or any cop?

  11. Anonymous3/23/2018

    And the bullshit from Washington keeps on coming....
    Gutierrez must pay $9,700 for what the ethics panel determined in a 34-page report was the “inadvertent” misuse of funds allocated to members to run their government office.

    Rush was ordered to pay $13,310 for taking what the ethics panel said in a 26-page report was an “impermissible gift” of free office space in his South Side congressional district.

    The panel slapped Rush “for his significant, though unintentional violation of the Gift Rule.”

    These 2 hustlers have been gaming the system for years, they got caught and now they have to kick back so this committee whitewashes their offense just to be politically correct.

    Don't you wish you could pocket about $10k and if you got caught, just play dumb about it. Unintentional my ass.

  12. Anonymous3/24/2018

    Your comments section sucks, Murphy. If you are going to take over the blog from the original two Murphy’s, please do so with some sense of urgency. You have nothing but national stories that have little to do with the community at large. If you can’t keep up, I’ll be happy to take over (even though my name isn’t Murphy).

    1. Anonymous3/25/2018

      Yeah, more mt greenwood bartender photos are needed.
