There are four flu strains:
  1. The dominant flu strain is H3N2, which often signals a severe season that affects the oldest and the youngest the hardest. CDC epidemiologist Brammer said, “We probably haven’t seen H3N2 peak yet.”
  2. Influenza A is predominating in California.
  3. H1N1 virus
  4. Influenza B: Brammer said it’s possible we will see a wave of H1N1 and influenza B before the season is over.
Brammer claims that this year’s vaccine contains all the circulating viruses. However, the vaccine is not very effective against H3N2. Dr. Michael Osterholm, who directs The Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, said the vaccine is, at best, only 10% effective on H3N2.
What to do:
  • Wash hands often.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes.
  • Stay home if you’re sick.
  • Given the virulence of this season’s flu epidemic, if you get sick, get medical help ASAP. Antiviral drugs like Tamiflu and Relenza are effective only if taken early.
If you’re in the medical field and you know more about this flu epidemic than what we are told publicly, please share your information.
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  1. Auntie Lulu 
    Dr Eowyn . . . . God Bless you for sharing this most critical information with the entire FOTM family. Great article!
    I have not wanted to get a flu shot, but then since it is only perhaps 10% effective in combating this particular strain of flu–I guess it’s okay. I would like to know from any of you out there . . . how effective, or good an idea is it to get a pneumonia short? Although I am 71 years old, I have never had one, although years ago I used to get flu shots (every darn time I would get one, I would be sick for two weeks, so I’m not to interested in that modality.) Please, if anyone has any thoughts on “pneumonia shots” I really would like to know.
    Liked by 3 people
  2. A man (no age given) died in our town after being diagnosed with “Type A” flu. He died four days after going to the hospital and being given 25 mg of Promethazine (per the newspaper article). Someone found him lifeless in his home four days after the 19th (hospital visit) so who knows when he actually died. The death wasn’t announced in the paper until today, four days later.
    The schools here were closed on Friday because so many people called in sick on Thursday.
    STAY HOME if you are sick!
    Liked by 2 people
  3. truckjunkie 
    I’ve never had one,but that’s just out of suspicion that the Pharma is using these “shots” with little accountability regarding what’s IN ’em. SO FAR,I’ve survived by just doing the usual common sense things-stay away from people,try not to touch anything that is available to or used by other people,if you DO,clean your hands,clean the surface before you grab, (I have a spray bottle by the door,and everything,including my mail,gets sprayed when I get the mail),try to ingest a little extra Vitamin C every day. I try to get everything done the same day then hibernate the rest of the time until the all clear.
    It’d sure suck if Shumer,Pelosi,Feinstein and the rest of our current list of CIO (Crooks In Office) got this,lol.
    Liked by 4 people
    • I have never had one or the flu. How do they know in advance what strain will hit? Know the ingredients in these vaccines, it will shock you! Of those who died, did they have the vaccine? How do we know if it is a false flag or not. None of the kin to the deceased showed any emotion. Too much weird stuff going on.
      • truckjunkie 
        “The Flu Shot” has been available for as long as I can remember,but it always seemed that year after year,the Flu that arrived was NOT one that was covered by the shot everyone was getting. (Sorta abstractly like Gun Control trying to make it impossible for lawful gun owners to employ our Second Amendment Right,in order to keep CRIMINALS from using guns to commit crimes.)
        Liked by 2 people
      • “None of the kin to the deceased showed any emotion.”
        I haven’t seen video footage of deceased’s relatives. How do you know?
        • On local news, KOLD in Tucson, AZ. They have show parents or close relatives. Even my husband noticed it. No emotion or tears. Weird.
          Liked by 1 person
      • ” How do they know in advance what strain will hit?”
        All year long, 142 national influenza centers in 113 different countries collect data on the flu viruses impacting the world’s population. Specifically, they monitor which strains of the virus are making people sick, how efficiently those strains are spreading, and how well previous vaccines have worked to combat their targeted viruses.
        All of these smaller centers then pass the results from their wide-reaching investigations to one of five World Health Organization Collaborating Centers for Reference and Research on Influenza: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (aka the CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia; the National Institute for Medical Research in London, UK; the Victoria Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory in Melbourne, Australia; the National Institute for Infectious Diseases in Tokyo, Japan; and the National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention in Beijing, China.
        Scientists at each of the five main centers then gather and analyze the data together to identify new flu strains and to determine which strains of the virus are most likely to spread and cause illness in the upcoming flu season. Consultants from each center then meet twice each year. They meet in February to determine the recommended composition for the yearly flu vaccine to be produced in the northern hemisphere for the upcoming flu season, and they also meet in September to make the same decision for future patients in the southern hemisphere.
        The virologic surveillance data used to help make their decision are reported through several different channels. Clinical laboratories and hospitals monitor where and when flu cases occur, as well as what strains are detected and what kinds of patients are affected. Patients who have flu-like symptoms with no other obvious cause but who still do not have officially confirmed cases of the flu are also monitored and recorded. Any changes in the strains of flu themselves, as well as the geographic reach of each strain, are also tracked. To see just how the flu is spreading in your home state, the Epidemiology and Prevention Branch in the Influenza Division at the Centers for Disease Control in the US, produces an interactive report of their findings.
        Another factor that can determine which strains of the flu will be included in the current flu shot is the ability to produce a working vaccine against that particular strain. Every vaccine must be thoroughly tested and approved by the FDA before it is made available to the public. If for any reason the production process is particularly slow for a given strain, that strain will not be included in the World Health Organization’s list.
        Liked by 2 people
  4. Especially among school aged kids that died , I wonder how many kids had the flu shot. Most all schools make it mandatory for students to have all shots. Ever research the ingredients in these shots? HORRIFIC!!! Ask to read the insert.
    Liked by 3 people
  5. No flu shots for me, Last time I had one was sick for a week. Haven’t had one since. My boss tried to make me get one. He tried to make me sign a paper saying I wouldn’t take the shot. I told him that releasing my health info was against my HIPPA rights. A**ho;e
    Liked by 5 people
    • Ditto YouKnowWho—-I’ve gotten a flu shot last 3 yrs-plus….& w/ last fall’s shot, I was sick a week…fevers/chills/strange rash (that started on extremities/spread very slowly toward torso—exact OPPOSITE of other “allergic” hives I’ve ever had….which always starts on the warm torso & spreads outward….)& remained a MONTH-plus b/f fading. Pretty sure I had a bad reaction to the flu shot. This year, I had a child’s wedding coming up a month after the flu shot became available for me…, I chose to NOT chance it this year in favor of attending my child’s wedding well/without adverse reaction evident. Now w/this outbreak so virile, I am worried. However—fr what I can glean fr news…this yr’s shot has only a 33% chance of protecting you fr what is going around. ALSO…I think I’ve read/heard that this yr’s flu is related to the old ” Swine Flu” fr late 70’s….NO WAY that any concocted shot that they’ve put out for this yr will protect you fr Swine Flu. That 33% “protection” I’m thinking is just an average stat of people who will either get it or NOT once exposed…regardless of this year’s useless shot.
      My husband does get the flu shot and the pnuemonia shot yearly b/c he has COPD. He has not reacted negatively to these, tho’ he felt poorly for a week and vows he’ll never get them both at the same time ever again. I will next year, at least get the pnuemonia shot and see how it goes….
      Since I am a public school teacher—-and due to my paranoia from this years’ mounting statistics & my generally-germ-laden clientelle—-I have been hand-washing and using hand-sanitizer so much that my fingernails have all dried/cracked off to the nub…..and, additionally, I’ve been bleaching my school desks/tables in my room at school after everyone else has gone home (I’m not supposed to have this sort of cleaner in my room—only water and sponges—-fat rat’s A__ that this alone will kill any germs! I NEED A REAL germ-killer!) Are you kidding me? These kids carry backpacks b/c we no longer have lockers (sites of violence/robbery/intimidation/drug hiding) and they drag them into the filthy bathrooms on the filthy floors….and then come to my room and throw them up onto the art tables (they MUST have their phones and electronic toys in their backpacks, etc. near them at all times…… the point that there is no space on the art tables to “do” art…for SURE they DO NOT have to keep them so close to their bodies to access anything like books, papers, notebooks, or pencils…b/c they NEVER have any of THOSE THINGS in their backpacks….& are constantly asking ME for these items……).
      Liked by 1 person
      • Auntie Lulu 
        CalGirl . . . . I am aghast at the idea that good old fashioned bleach and a disposable cloth or paper towel are banished from school rooms . . . it is little wonder that a kids are sick from October thru May.
        We have a shelter for women and children down the block. I heard from someone I knew who was residing there that the woman who administered the project would only allow them to use “vinegar” as a germ killing agent. This same woman had a very young child, who was sick month after month from all the germs that got passed around from child to child. Finally, a collection of the mother’s who were living there went above the program director and requested that they be allowed to use bleach. Thankfully they got permission. I should think that using vinegar to kill germs is like spittin’ in the wind as far as usefulness.
        I have no doubt that you are anxious to leave your teaching days behind you.
        Liked by 1 person
        • Thanks Auntie…Even tho’ I have begged for permission for germ-killing cleaners b/c I’ve had at least one student w/heart transplant (who died of flu over Christmas…don’t get me bawling again) & one w/leukemia..who needed to have all the good breaks (germ-free or nearly–environments). I was told, “NO.” We are not allowed to have “caustic cleaner” on campus that kids THESE DAYS might find/use upon themselves or others (b/c they ALWAYS DO if they find it/have access to it). It’s far better that a child (or me) die fr some nebulous, “out there” public germ that can’t be legally pinned down for “cause or blame” than to have someone sue the district deep pockets b/c someone hurt them w/a cleaner: Once, my (then–very forgetful, slack) janitor forgot a bathroom spray bottle cleaner in my room as she passed through, that I did not notice &, had no reason to think would be in my room (I am not a bathroom, nor is a bathroom included in my classroom set-up—I wish…HA) , & next day, a kid picked it up/sprayed another in the eyes with it. I had to rush the kid to the science lab to the eye-clean-out station and call the ambulance. I got in a LOT of trouble, even tho’ I didn’t even know this was in my room, had NO reason to suspect that a bathroom cleaner would be in my room. So, our school, subsequently,was under double watch from the district to make sure that all we had to “clean” with was “eraser” sponges, rags, and water.
          But, Auntie, you will like hearing this…w/2 subsequent yrs after this incident of wicked lung infections —after this “rag and water edict” that kicked my butt….took months to recuperate from….twice a year in opposition to my “ususal” once a year….not to mention the flu/or other germy death of my beloved heart transplant student, I had to do something to “save myself & others : ” I hide my bleach in a place in my room that I think the safety inspector OR KIDS won’t find(I am NOT the only teacher who does this) and I clean my desks and tables a minimum of weekly with bleach.
          Just Friday, 1/26, …my new janitor…who is on my side..was cleaning & found a bathroom fouled w/bad, explosive, very sick-smelling stools all over a bathroom stall, the floor, etc…& KNEW that I kept the Chlorox & where I hid it in my room. She got it fr my room to flood this bathroom with it, let it sit for an hour, before she went back in to clean it all out….. She came to tell me about the disappearance of my Chlorox to thank me b/c she was so afraid to clean this germy scene without my “secret stash.” She gave me new Chlorox….of course…this is all ongoing SECRET still…between me/other teachers/janitor……
          Liked by 1 person
      • Insanity to clean with just water. Pure insanity.
        I’d keep a secret stash, too.
  6. Thank you for an excellent article. Forgive me, but am I the only one that thinks something is off? Perfectly healthy, strong people died in two days? Are we not dealing with a flu at all? We’re any of these people vaccinated?
    I used to get vaccinated yearly until one year about 10 years or so ago, they said they had put something extra in the serum that year and I became deathly ill and stayed that way for five months. I suspect until it cleared my system. Not been vaccinated since.
    Liked by 4 people
    • truckjunkie 
      Well-I’m willing to trust our President,he’s proven time and again that his motives are to do good things for America. The REST of Fed-Gov? We’ll have to see how things shake out….
      Liked by 3 people
    • Auntie Lulu 
      Glenn47 . . . . that was pretty much what happened to me. That was when I gave up on having flu shots. Although, I am going to get a pneumonia shot, hopefully I will have good luck with it.
  7. truckjunkie 
    Big Pharma and Fed-Gov have forever lost the trust of Conservative America.
    Liked by 2 people
    • Yep. Several years ago I let my doctor talk me into a flu shot. It caused all sorts of nerve problems. I still have about a 30% loss of motion and strength in my left arm.
      Since then I’ve studied this and you’d be surprised how common this is. When I talk to them now none of them will admit it. On the other hand, a lot of doctors and nurses won’t take the shot either.
      This is another pharmaceutical scam.
      • Auntie Lulu 
        kophatt . . . . they (doctors and nurses) are not going to say anything negative about any of the modalities that they recommend, which leaves all of us doubting the medical profession. It is pretty awful that people will recommend something just because it is the “conventional wisdom” or a money maker for Big Pharma. Most of us just need to invoke that old adage . . .”buyer beware!”
        Liked by 1 person
      • I am so sorry for all the problems you had after receiving your shot. We both had horrible reactions with our arms. Mine couldn’t move for a week. Before we got home from the Drs. We both had severe headaches.
        Then my 24/7 sweats started for five months. They would start at my head and and work down my body. then disappear, then start over. Continually.
        • That sounds awful. Mine was pretty bad, too, but in a different way. First the injection site wouldn’t heal. It was painful and oozing for months. Then I developed an almost unbearable pain and muscle spasms in my neck. It got to where I couldn’t raise my left arm above my shoulder.
          Every time I want to the doctor about it I got a different story. I had MRI’s and was sent to a neuralogist who said I suffered a “viral insult”, etc.. Eventually I worked with a physical therapist and it got better. It is still painful but much improved.
          I started researching this informally. I found one doctor that claims to have treated over 5,000 patients for reactions to flu vaccines. My symptoms were by no means unique.
          Liked by 1 person
  8. I wish they would tell how many of the dead received the flu vaccination.
    I am amazed at the logic here at work. Those who are vaccinated are deathly afraid of anyone who is not.
    I love to ask, “if your vaccinated, why ate you worried about me? Unless it is because you know deep down the shot is worthless.”
    Liked by 2 people
    • RL…for starters…I’ve just found out that NO ONE who dies of the flu over the age of 65 is EVER reported in the flu death stats. So…let’s see….the youngest (who are reported) and the oldest (who are not reported–whether they had the flu shot or NOT) skew the death-by-flu-statistics. This is NOT acceptable—and, it is downright false/and insulting to every age group statistically, especially the young and old… skews everything.
      • Yes, I think that’s right. This is but one element of the world we live in. We “believe”, quite erroneously, that “agencies” watch over this and ensure that we are not poisoned. That is simply not the case.
        Between simple ineptitude and the uncontrollable greed, we suffer. There is much myth-making in the medical field. It is profit driven to our peril.
    • As an example, many times they have found outbreaks of Chickenpox, and other ailments, including Polio where all of the diseased were vaccinated.
      This goes beyond simple error. The pharmaceutical industry depends on public ignorance and fawning adoration. Few have even the dimmest notion of how immune systems work or what part a vaccine plays in that.
      To make matters worse, the doctors and nurses who see patients day after day know this. Basic biology studies will quickly show the fallacies involved here. It would be bad enough if this were merely profitable with no risk. There are mega-risks involved.
      What all of this shows is that there are severe conflicts of interest involved in the practice of for-profit medicine. This may never be corrected but it can be improved. This is one good place to start that effort.
  9. So what caused this? What are they spraying? What deadly virus was released? Vaccines are not safe; the flu shot is not safe. Healthy eating, getting enough sleep, washing your hands, using essential oils; exercise. It seems to me that they released something as a test to see what would kill people so they could scare us with fake reports of a deadly virus that we will only be safe from if we take a new vaccine they are cooking up !
    • I seem to remember a report from a few years ago which said scientist were exhuming bodies of people who died in the last deadly worldr flu pandemic. They were doing this to “study” the deadly strain. I believe they were doing this in Alaska.
      Maybe they were successful in waking up the virus.
      • Ugh…that is disgusting! I dont know how that is legal. We DID import all the crazy NAZI scientists after WWII….it shouldn’t surprise me. I happened to be at Disney the same day the lady who died of measles was – and nothing happened to me. They later discovered that the carrier – the lady from WA who died – was indeed vaccinated for it. Sorry, but I dont want Monkey DNA and aborted fetus parts in my bloodstream.
  10. After the fall in vaccination rates that has likely resulted from people becoming better educated on the matter of vaccines over the past few years or so, a sudden, “unusually deadly epidemic” is precisely what I’d expect to see. That’s not to say that this isn’t real at all. The timing just makes it appear like good marketing to me — regardless of whether people are actually dying from the flu or not.
  11. Informative read by Jon Rappoport in the subject…
    Massive flu outbreak? Here’s the real story the media won’t touch. The lies, the hoax, the scandal.
  12. The CDC and our Health Dept. carry lots of weight. The amount of money passing through hands and the amount to be made is massive.
    A physician charges 100-200 for injection, putting a heavy weight on our insurance companies and passed in to those that don’t even get an injection. Follow the money and you have an answer.
  13. With all due respect to the author-
    I must advise people to use caution in this report,
    I have seen more than enough evidence to believe that there is a very real and present danger in VACCINATIONS, I have seen credible reports that government agencies have been involved in “scares,” stories of epidemics that were contrived, exaggerated etc. for shall we just say “questionable motives,” in regards to influenza specifically, vaccinations have very little effect on this infection due to 1. it is viral and difficult by nature to treat 2. composed of many different constantly changing viruses, which make it almost impossible to treat.
    I most heartily believe that over the last century our medical care in the US has gone from a natural based health practice to an industry DESIGNED FOR PROFIT; as a result of this expansion of the industry, tied to big money, Big Pharma, corporations, etc. it has evolved into a monstrosity, where toxins are used to treat cancer, at exorbitant rates, which the best researchers state is detrimental (at best); cures for cancer, polio, etc. have been known for decades but like electric cars and carburetors that get t00 mpg they were BLACK-BALLED, harassed and driven out of business because it interfered with profits.
    These agencies today are bought and controlled by large corporate powers and cannot be accepted without supporting information from trusted sources
    • Yep. I am with you. I dont believe this crap they are pushing. I take 15,000 IU’s of D3 plus others – use tea tree oil and white vinegar in cleaning and laundry. I haven’t been sick in 8 years since I started with the more natural things. There is so many natural anti-viral and anti-bacterial products that the powers that be dont want you to know about. That is why they are killing holistic doctors and censoring natural and holistic news.
  14. Biblical support for those who wish to avoid vaccinations for spiritual and religious reasons include the following law prohibiting genetic engineering or the use of its products:
    Leviticus:19:19 Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen [plant] and woolen [animal] come upon thee.
    Relevant reasons for God’s warning in this regard includes the fact that bovine (cow) fetal serum is commonly used in the manufacturing process of vaccines. So are monkey kidney cells, chicken embryo parts, bacterial or viral genetic materials – RNA and DNA, as well as yeast and human proteins. Using the example of cows, bovine fetal serum is mixed with bacteria or viral particles, and other vaccine ingredients including toxic metals, such as mercury and aluminum, and immune destructive chemicals. Thus, proteins and genetic materials from the cattle, viruses, and bacteria are mixed before these particles are injected into you or your children. Once the vaccine ingredients, including foreign RNA and DNA, and genetically engineered bacteria and/or viruses, or their parts, enter your blood, they may cause genetic mutations of your cells. Then you have sown thy bloodstream ‘with mingled seed’ that not only taxes your immune system further, but may cause the development of cancer cells as well. These may go on to become full blown cancers, particularly in the presence of a weakened immune system made weak by vaccine ‘adjuvents.’
    Likewise, this cross species transfer of infectious particles often initiates autoimmune diseases, as discussed earlier in this book. These are major reasons why vaccination is an ‘ungodly practice.’
    Your blood contains vital white blood cell body guards (i.e., lymphocytes) that provide for surveillance and destructive responses against cancer cells and malignant tumors. Therefore, overly taxing these cells, as vaccinations often do, is unclean and unhealthy. Elsewhere in the Bible, God recommends that you maintain your blood clean and healthy.
    Liked by 1 person
  15. Apparently having an optimum level of vitamin d (i.e. at least 5000 units according to this ‘expert’ ; that is, along with vitamin k to balance it) is an important way to prevent the flu or cold. Also, oil of wild oregano, and mega doses of non-gmo vitamin c is helpful (preferably wholefood, even intravenously if very ill). Other remedies including a raw ‘drink’ made with fresh lemon juice, garlic, ginger and olive leaf extract and/ or elderberry, cayenne pepper…colloidal silver is useful too. Otherwise, get plenty of sunlight or take vitamin d supplements (i.e. 5000 units), sleep well (at least 7 or 8 hours), add cold pressed virgin coconut oil to herbal teas, and eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruits and other quality produce. Lastly, nascent iodine could be useful along with a vegetable soup with lots of garlic, onions, turmeric (or curry), coconut oil, ginger and black pepper. For more info see Dr Mercola .
  16. PS This looks interesting too (however, I’m not very familiar with it)…it’s MMS…see
  17. From what I have heard and read and been told, it seems wise not to take the flu shot: I had a former doctor (over 20 years ago) who told me the flu shot was ineffective and just didn’t work. I have also read and heard that there is a real danger with the vaccine because some of them contain somewhat live or “attenuated” strains of the influenza virus—this, in addition to the fact that many vaccines contain mercury and/or aluminum.
    I have also read that Tamiflu is, or can be, a dangerous drug that does not necessarily work.
    The sad fact is, modern Western medicine has had little luck in fighting viruses of almost every sort. This being said, prevention is best, and I have been up on my supplements and vitamins. You can’t overdose on Vitamin C, and I also take nacent iodine (medical grade).
    Each person has to get on the internet while we still have it and research the subject for himself. This post contains very good information, but these people who died may have had other aggravating factors we just don’t know about. And let us remember that Big Pharma doesn’t make money by cranking out cures: They will do whatever it takes to keep the cash register ringing!
    Liked by 1 person
  18. NB MMS is a highly controversial “remedy”…please research thoroughly…I’m not sure if it really helps or not in the long-run. I think there are other remedies that appear equally useful and have less controversial/ potential side effects.