Report: QAnon describes plan to destroy America, reshape world

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In an explosive post on Sunday, QAnon explained the Barack Obama/Hillary Clinton 16-year treasonous plan to use two White House terms for a coup d’état in the United States that would end up revising the Constitution, cancelling the Second Amendment, and opening borders to flood the nation with illegal immigrants calculated to vote Democrat for the foreseeable future.
In the exceptionally long post narrative, QAnon alleged that “Deep State” rogue operatives murdered Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia in an attempt to lock in a hard-left ideology on the nation’s
highest court by giving President Obama one final Supreme Court nomination.
Posted initially on and tweeted throughout Sunday afternoon,’s Jerome Corsi published a line-by-line “DECODE” of the QAnon post seen here:

The following are key parts of the DECODE with regard to the importance of the “Nunes Memo” the House Intelligence Committee is expected to release this week:
QAnon: #Memo factually demonstrates collusion at highest levels.
Decode: The Nunes Memo made public will alert the American people to the Democratic Party coup d’état (undertaken in large part through Obama/Hillary/Podesta collusion with Russia).
Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Podesta (plus many others) are guilty of TREASON. Hillary was right (Hillary’s tantrum after NBC commander-in-chief forum in September 2016 – “If we lose the election, we will all hang”).
QAnon: #Memo factually demonstrates HUSSEIN ADMIN weaponized INTEL community to ensure D victory [+Insurance].
Decode: The Nunes Memo when made public will prove the Obama administration weaponized the intelligence community to ensure the Democrats would win the 2016 presidential election.
The weaponizing included using the Fusion GPS dossier to get FISA court approval to conduct electronic surveillance on Donald Trump’s campaign.
Also included was President Obama’s plan to unmask and leak information detrimental to Trump’s campaign that was gained from the illegally obtained FISA electronic surveillance.
After McCabe communicates the Lisa Page “insurance” idea to Loretta Lynch, the HRC conspiracy develops as a pyramid structure, with Obama at the top calling the shots needed to use the Fusion GPS Dossier to get FISA court-ordered approval to conduct electronic surveillance on Donald Trump and principals in Trump campaign. Other two legs of pyramid connect to the Clinton campaign through John Podesta and to the intel community via Clapper and Brennan.
CIA Director John Brennan – the CIA “handler” of Barry Soetoro, aka Soebarkah, aka Barack Hussein Obama – led the effort to sell the “Russia collusion” narrative to the mainstream media and the American public in order to prevent Donald Trump from serving out his term in office should he (unexpectedly) win the election.
The Obama/Hillary 16-year coup d’état plan
QAnon makes clear Obama, Clintons, DNC, and the U.S. intelligence community planned their coup d’état boldly, confident Hillary Clinton would be elected president, never imagining Donald Trump would win.
The Obama/Hillary Clinton “16-year plan to destroy America” involved the Democrats calculating both Obama and Hillary Clinton’s two term presidencies would allow the unfolding of a 16-year plan to destroy America.
As part of the plan, the Democratic Party co-conspirators envisioned Hillary would follow Obama’s plan to put rogue political operatives at key positions throughout the federal government, just as President Obama placed John Brennan at CIA; James Clapper, DNI; Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch as Attorney General; Valerie Jarrett in White House, James Comey at FBI – the list goes on.
Hillary would continue Obama’s plan to weaken the U.S. military, while actively funding Iran and North Korea’s development of nuclear weapons.
The only military commanders promoted by the Obama and planned Hillary Clinton administrations were to be those who: accepted the LGBT agenda and sex-change operations for transgender soldiers at taxpayer expense, were willing to eliminate any discussion of radical Muslims as terrorists, accepted a nuclear-armed Iran and North Korea, were willing to advance the Palestinian agenda to destroy Israel as a Jewish state, were willing to promote Muslim Brotherhood control throughout the Middle East and Africa.
An American nightmare under President Hillary Clinton
QAnon predicted that Hillary would use her 8 years as president to cause World War III – a war that would cause death and destruction on a massive, never-before-imagined scale of horror.
The war would be a “fake war” promoted by the government-controlled MSM. Billions of the world’s populations would be killed off, allowing the globalists (including Hillary, Obama, Podesta, and their co-conspirator minions) to pocket huge wealth on a global scale.
When the Obama/Hillary 16 years in the presidency were completed, the U.S. middle class would be destroyed. The U.S. population (what was left of it) would be reduced to a status of enslavement, starvation, death, and disease.
When the Obama/Hillary 16 years in the presidency were completed, the U.S. would have no borders, the Constitution would be revised to remove the Bill of Rights and all fundamental U.S. freedoms, and the population would be disarmed by the repeal of the Second Amendment.
When the Obama/Hillary 16 years in the presidency were completed, there would be no electoral college.
Future presidents would be elected by a majority of the popular vote, giving control to large states like California, New York, and New Jersey that can easily be overrun with illegal immigrants voting for the traitors and their anti-American conspiracy.
If illegal votes were not enough to make sure the Democratic Party traitors dominated all elections, George Soros would be allowed to install voting machines to make Democratic Party voter fraud easy to achieve electronically.
When the Obama/Hillary 16 years in the presidency were completed, the U.S. military would comprise a very small percentage of the U.S. budget, with transfer payments making sure excessive taxation redistributed income to minorities and illegals sure to vote for the Democratic Party traitors.
U.S. military bases would be closed worldwide, beginning in Germany. Russia, China, and rogue states including Iran and North Korea would no longer need fear U.S. military reprisals for their evil expansion.
Only “Project Mockingbird” PRAVDA-like mainstream media willing to be controlled by the CIA to disseminate the Obama/Hillary traitors’ anti-American ideology would be allowed to survive.
All other news would be censored, with Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other Internet giants unleashed to eliminate from “Social Media” even the most private or coded communications patriots might attempt.
Barack Obama, the Clintons, and their “Deep State” Democratic Party co-conspirators are “pure evil,” capable of nuclear war to achieve their globalist goals.
As much as I despise Hillary, and as big a disappointment the two Obama administrations were, the 'decoding' reads like a bunch of bullshit. I'll wait until the actual memo gets released. This has all the veracity of a Howard Hughes will.
ReplyDeleteWhy does tom dart keep John wyane Gacy blood at his house? Why?
ReplyDeleteShe going to prison.
ReplyDeleteWhile some charges seem a bit over the top it seems every time you think the Democrat revolutionaries cant get any worse - they do. I believe Obama is the real racist and hates white people. Ann Coulter has the best grasp on the subject when she reminds us that the affirmative action type programs for minorities were designed for BLACK people. Not Indians, Asians, Hispanics from Central and S America, or even Africans emigrating to this country. These programs were designed to make up for centuries of enslavement and mistreatment of blacks in America - NOT for Hispanics from South of the border. They do want to flood this country with non whites and then use identity/racial politics to overwhelm the voting bloc of traditional, moderate white Americans. They also use "diversity" as if it were enshrined in our Constitution. I never even heard that term 25 years ago. One more reason to never vote for a Democrat. They are extremists and fools.
ReplyDeleteAnd in other news this morning this on the site;
ReplyDeleteFormer Secretary of State John Kerry reportedly tried to meddle in Middle East peace talks, allegedly telling a close associate of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas not to “yield to President Trump’s demands.”
Israeli news outlet Maariv reported on the apparent meeting between Kerry and Hussein Agha in London, where the 2004 Democratic presidential nominee also reportedly floated a possible encore bid in 2020.
You may recall Kerry after blundering his way through the Iran nuclear treaty reportedly advised the Iranians ways in which they could sidestep some of the restrictions of the agreement and still not face sanctions. Part of greasing the skids for that embarassment of negotiations was air transporting 260 billion dollars in low denomination currency. This treasonous sanctimonious asshole was a failure as a senator, as a presidential candidate with his adulterous running mate and his role as secretary of state was nothing more than a gimme for having Obama address the Democratic convention the year he lost in his bid for the presidency.
This piece of shit ought to be hauled in front of the attorney general. He is no longer a government official. He has no business advising foreign governments how to deal with American policy. Isn't this why they were going after General Flynn ?
So the FBI lovebirds exchanged 50,000 text messages that are missing over a 5 month period regarding the "insurance plan" to get rid of Trump in the event he won the presidency. Fifty thousand, thats 10,000 per month, or 333 texts per day. If you were sending and receiving more than 300 text messages per day, when were you doing your FBI job. Sounds like this guy spent all of his time screwing around, literally. The democrats and the media are trying to bury this as republican hysteria, which it has all rights to be. But 2 or more people, planning to commit a crime, as ub falsifying documents to obtain warrants in order to wiretap and then use illegally obtained information to indict and convict someone...that isn't hysteria, that's a conspiracy.