Wednesday, January 3, 2018

More Kennedy BS

"This state belongs to the people. We need to get to a place where the government works for us, and with us. That means property tax reform for equal access to education and a conversation that serves all our communities. That means creating an Illinois we’re proud to be from.
This campaign isn’t mine. It’s ours. We can do this — together."
At the same time perhaps Mr. Kennedy can explain how his family had a habit of  purchasing low tax assessments for the Merchandise Mart. 


  1. Anonymous1/03/2018

    I hear Kennedy is going to campaign on Dental insurance for all in addition to health Insurance for all like J B Pritzker.

  2. Anonymous1/03/2018

    quite a choice pritzer guts his toilets to beat property tax. kennedy Lord knows what he is about. and rauner it seems to me that he is a cellini type combine guy. i could live with abortion but when nobody was looking he made Illinois a sanctuary state

  3. Anonymous1/03/2018

    Why do so many rich people become socialists?.......They raise taxes....because it doesn't really affect them (or they broker discounts for themselves by lobbying). The poor obviously don't PAY taxes they are net beneficiaries of a windfall of "free" money. This is how you destroy the middle class. The mob gets the free bread and circuses....we pay the bill. It is as old as the Roman Republic.

  4. Anonymous1/03/2018

    Yeah lets dust off the Socialist playbook and ignore the Illinois Constitution and start a "progressive" income tax. That will really help the doers, the risk takers, and the investors. Wow what great choices. Rauner (who I now admit sucks) or even worse choices BJ Pritzker or Kennedy....they will take us into bankruptcy.

  5. Anonymous1/03/2018

    As you watch the politicians in Congress and the state houses, along with the biased media coverage, you really get the feeling that what goes on in the city and the country is truly out of our hands. While we stretch to meet our family and financial obligations, Congress approves unlimited lifetime insurance coverage for themselves, government perks like fact finding junkets to overseas locations, allowances to staff and run offices, franking privileges and the like. So when we see Dick Durbin, or Tammy or Bobby Rush and his bankrupt church, or Luis Gutierrez and his under-assessed property in Chicago or his whining about immigration, you have to ask yourself what any of these people have done to make life better, safer, healthier, easier, more affordable for the citizens of Chicago and Illinois and you can only come back with 1 answer and that is NOTHING.

    Wouldn't it be nice, if you could do nothing, for year after year, term after term, and then gather up a gullible collection of news media and have yourself painted like the second coming of Christ. When I think about it in those terms, its a wonder people bother to vote at all.
