The tax free settlements the city gives these dogs only invites more to nip at the city coffers which you and I are expected to keep full. It makes me sick to think that these astronomical amounts are paid out and that Northwestern University, already tainted in scandal by David Protess and company would lend their efforts to reward these thugs. Its getting closer for all Chicago taxpayers to move on and join the exodus from this corrupt state. Looking at the field of candidates, the tipping point has already been reached and there's nothing in the immediate future that will turn us around.
The tax free settlements the city gives these dogs only invites more to nip at the city coffers which you and I are expected to keep full. It makes me sick to think that these astronomical amounts are paid out and that Northwestern University, already tainted in scandal by David Protess and company would lend their efforts to reward these thugs. Its getting closer for all Chicago taxpayers to move on and join the exodus from this corrupt state. Looking at the field of candidates, the tipping point has already been reached and there's nothing in the immediate future that will turn us around.