Friday, November 10, 2017

Twisted thinking even in the military

Bowe Bergdahl May Be Entitled To $300K In Back Pay, Benefits after he avoids Life Imprisonment

In another time, not long ago, he would behave gotten a firing squad!
Bowe Bergdahl, left, leaves the Fort Bragg courtroom facility following sentencing at Fort Bragg, N.C., Friday, Nov. 3, 2017. The former Sergeant was spared any prison time and received a dishonorable discharge. Bergdahl, who walked off his base in Afghanistan in 2009 and was held by the Taliban for five years, pleaded guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. (AP Photo/Gerry Broome)
November 9, 2017
OAN Newsroom
Disgraced former Soldier Bowe Bergdahl may still be able to collect as mush as $300,000 in back pay and benefits from his time spent in captivity with the Taliban.
On Thursday, the U.S. Army said it is deciding whether he should be considered a “prisoner of war” for which he would be compensated for.
However, back in October the 31-year-old pleaded guilty to desertion prior to being captured by the Taliban in 2009.
Earlier this month, Bergdahl was dishonorably discharged and escaped prison time, a ruling President Trump called a quote — “complete and total disgrace.”
“So we get a traitor named Bergdahl a dirty rotten traitor… who by the way when he deserted, six young beautiful people were killed trying to find him, right?” The president asked. “And you don’t even hear about them anymore.”
Officials say there is a chance Bergdahl may not be eligible for back pay, and could even owe money to the military pending the Army’s decision.


  1. Anonymous11/10/2017

    As usual, the Donald is right. The military court should be held for 6 counts of murder.

    1. Anonymous11/11/2017

      The military court should be put in front of a firing squad and the 300k taken out of there pockets!

  2. Anonymous11/11/2017

    Wow I went before pension board and ML tore me apart asking personal health questions and then whole time they never allowed into evidence or acknowledge i needed surgery years before. On top of that I lost everything based on speculation regardless of existing laws. My union just laid back and got a chuckle because. Well because Chicago is a city filled with people who only want to see people fall in life

    I am a piece of shit for being honest . ML mocked me and said I was lazy yet I was chasing a fleeing felon and caught and then he resisted.

    Thats called proactive policig and not being a process server for corp counsel ML

  3. Anonymous11/11/2017

    Gibs me dat!!
