George Bush Sr calls Trump a 'blowhard', voted for Clinton and was always an ass.

Former US Republican President George Bush Sr has confirmed he voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, labelling Donald Trump a "blowhard".
His son, George W Bush, said he worries that "I will be the last Republican president", even though President Trump is a Republican.
"This guy doesn't know what it means to be president," the younger man said.
Preview excerpts from the book were published by US media outlets.
"Blowhard" is a casual term for a person who is boastful or blustering, the Oxford English Dictionary says, and it is usually meant as an insult.
"I don't like him. I don't know much about him, but I know he's a blowhard. And I'm not too excited about him being a leader," said George Bush Sr, who was president between 1989 and 1993.
He also told the author of the book, Mark Updegrove, that he felt Mr Trump ran for the presidency because he had "a certain ego", in remarks reported by US media outlets including CNN and the New York Times.

George W Bush, adding to his remarks that Mr Trump "doesn't know what it means to be president," said "you can either exploit the anger, incite it, or you can come up with ideas to deal with it."
The younger Bush's comments are in keeping with a speech he gave in late October widely seen as a critique of the new president, though it did not name him.
Voting for Clinton
During the 2016 presidential campaign, neither former president endorsed Donald Trump.
But in the new book, George Bush Sr confirmed that he voted for the rival party's candidate in Hillary Clinton.
George W Bush, however, said he simply left his presidential ballot blank.

The book's title, Mr Updegrove told CNN, came from a remark made by George W Bush during the presidential election.
As the previous Republican president before Barack Obama took office, he told the author: "You know, I fear that I will be the last Republican president."
"And it wasn't just about Hillary Clinton becoming president, as the Republican Party was having a difficult time finding itself. It was because Donald Trump represented everything that the Bushes abhorred," Mr Updegrove told CNN.
White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders hit back at the former presidents in a statement.
"The American people voted to elect an outsider who is capable of implementing real, positive, and needed change - instead of a lifelong politician beholden to special interests," she said.
"If they were interested in continuing decades of costly mistakes, another establishment politician more concerned with putting politics over people would have won."
Meanwhile, former head of the Democratic National Committee, Donna Brazile, has claimed she seriously considered replacing Hillary Clinton with Vice-President Joe Biden as the party's presidential candidate during the campaign.
In extracts from her own book published by the Washington Post, she said Mrs Clinton's campaign had "the odour of failure" and alleges a huge array of failures and incidents of mismanagement within the party.
Ms Brazile was herself at the centre of a controversy when she fed the Clinton campaign a question in advance of a debate against Bernie Sanders during the race for the Democratic nomination.
And all this is because Trump stopped a 3d Bush family presidency. Considering the performance of the last Bush president, thank God for Trump.
For the president that gave us all the trouble in the middle east by invading Iraq and killing Saddam Hussein because Saddam threated his daddy. Giving ISIS it's start. The Bush family has absolutely no room to talk!
ReplyDeleteThe Bush criminal enterprise, going back to Prescott Bush, continuing with George HW, who happened to be in Dallas on 22Nov63, with a bullshit explanation of his actions that day, and going forward with a sex offender/financial cheat Neil Bush and of course the two druggies, JEB and George W. So go pinch some more asses you phony bastard....oh yeah lets not forget NO NEW TAXES, read my lips.....fuck the Bush family and their family ties to the Bin Laden....they shouldn't be commenting on anyone.
ReplyDeleteWTF is their problem???
ReplyDeleteThe Republican establishment is out of touch with the American people, just like the Democratic Party that is zooming at light speed to the very leftish-communist edge of the cliff. The Rep establishment thought that the answer to the Republicans winning back the WH was to nominate....drum roll...ANOTHER Bush. They would have had to rename the Republican Party The The BushIcan Party. Seriously...Jeb was out of shape mentally and physically. His big brother leap frogged over him to get the job. Americans were tired of Bushes...and tired of Clintons....they voted Trump. And it just shows you that their allegiance was not to the Party but to the Establishment....Republican AND Democrat.
ReplyDeleteAll these rich bastards with their ideas for redistributing wealth and opportunity through government give-aways that you and I pay for and that has very little effect on them. And then when time passes, and their screwups and misdeeds are in the past, they start pontificating the efforts of others. You don't hear much about the cocaine conspiracies JEB was involved in while in college.
ReplyDeleteW nothing more than a silver spooned draft dodger,but so is Trump. I dunno what to think. Let's worry about underfunded police and fire pensions that will go kaput in 2022 unless sup'n is done like really quick.
ReplyDeleteTeachers pensions likely belly up by 2030 as long as they invest in PC.