Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Rauner was supposed to make everything better



  1. Anonymous9/20/2017

    Rauner is the Governor not the Dictator. This is not his fault and you know it...this is years of accumulated fiscal malpractice by Democrats. If you really have a compelling case against Rauner make it. You have to understand that the Democrats control EVERYTHING in the State legislature. They make the laws and they spend the money. Why don't you just be honest and tell your fellow blog travelers specifically, or personally, why you dislike Rauner because it makes no sense based on every other thing you post. Just be honest. We can understand but at least be fair. I hope you will post this. Either way I still like you guys and this blog.

    1. Anonymous9/20/2017

      I do not like Rauner because the trains do not run on time.
