Family of Dead Armed Robber claim “It didn’t have to happen”
Pro-tip: If ya don't wanna get shot by the police, don't rob a bank and then advance on the police with a handgun. You might think that simple advice as common sense, but apparently not among the family of Eddie Russell. See Eddie robbed the First Mid bank in Peoria, then holed up at his mama's house. With police outside, he weighed his options, refusing to surrender. A couple of hours later, he aggressively advanced on police officers while wielding a handgun. Six cops shot him a total of 18 times before the threat ended. Now his family has cried foul to the media, saying cops should have handled little Eddie with kid gloves. Because, you know, he had mental problems and all that.
In fact, his cousin, T-Boz of the 90s R&B group TLC has stamped her feet and demanded all Peoria cops wear bodycams. Frankly, it would be nice to have some HD video to share with the public of ne'er-do-well Eddie advancing on cops. Those videos make for good training footage for how to stop a threat properly. In this case, video or not, Eddie caught 18 rounds and ceased his aggressiveness. Thankfully, all the good guys went home to their families.
Of course, the Black Lives Matter cavalcade of agitators has chimed in. The head of the local NAALCP (National Association for the Advancement of Liberal Colored Persons) Rev. Marvin Hightower has chimed in with his two cents' worth to the Peoria Journal-Star: "We are after the facts first to see what, in fact, happened before I form an opinion or give an opinion."
Of course, grieving family members offered up their thoughts.
Grieving family members said it was an incident that didn’t have to happen.“They could have tased him from 30 feet away,” father Eddie Russell, Sr., said hours after the shooting. “But they grabbed him out of the house. I don’t care what they say.”
You're right Eddie Russell, Sr. It didn't have to happen. YOU could have raised your son to be a decent and honorable man. YOU could have taught him right from wrong. If Eddie Jr. had been at work instead of robbing a bank, he'd be alive today. If Eddie had listened to police orders, he would be alive today. Look in the mirror, Eddie Sr. Your child-rearing (or lack thereof) raised Eddie Jr.
Monday evening, at a "Stand Up for Peace" rally to honor a slain armed robber, the hits kept coming. From the Peoria Journal-Star:
“The biggest thing we need to do in this city is to learn better conflict resolution,” said Terry Burnside, chairman of Peoria Community Against Violence. “We need to learn how to solve problems without guns.”
Conflict resolution? How about teaching your family and friends to listen to what the police officer says? And not to rob banks?
Unable to discern the difference between the criminal deeds of an evil man and good deeds of good men to protect the innocent from evil, Burnside continued:
"A young man is dead because of a gun."
No, he's dead because his was a bad person with evil in his heart. The only thing that stops bad men with evil in their hearts is a good guy with a gun. What an idiot. Trying to use the righteous use of deadly force against a criminal advancing aggressively as a reason to disarm everyday people. What a pathetic hack.
The family demands investigation. There's not much to investigate from the information we have.
Solid police work!!