Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Hate is Hate

Pretend anti-hate groups march through Loop following Charlottesville violence as they try to dispense their own brand of hate
UPDATED: AUG 15 2017 09:48PM CDT

Several anti-hate groups marched through the Loop on Tuesday.

This comes after President Trump sets off a firestorm laying blame on some counter protesters in Charlottesville.

“We have to be in solidarity in order to make some kind of sense or peace,” said Regina Rizzo.

Their chants echoed through the downtown corridor, a group of hundreds of protestors - at times blocking traffic – who were heading for Trump Tower.

The protesters are upset with the president's words in the days that followed the violence in Charlottesville.

“It's a real shame that our president can't denounce white supremacists who commit terrorist acts in the country,” said Jerry Galvin.

“He isn't fit to be president and we have to do something about it,” said Tim Hickey.

Kofi Ademola with Black Lives Matter Chicago started the effort, which began at Federal Plaza.

“It's all connected so the terrorism that they felt directly in Charlottesville connects to what we feel here in Chicago,” Ademola said.

“It's frightening and scary being a parent and raising brown children in the city of Chicago and being first generation Guatemalan-American,” Rizzo said.

Organizers of Tuesday’s rally say they will be back as necessary.


  1. Anonymous8/16/2017

    This is how goofy our country has become. The people who live in those areas of the country where conflicts of the civil war were fought have a set of beliefs. We may disagree with those beliefs, but we don't force our beliefs down their throats. A few months back, I read a post about a Christmas display, set in a public square, had to make room for a Satanic groups' seasonal display. The courts all looked the other way. Atheists have protested a display of the 10 commandments in a downtown area (I think A.G. Sessions fought this one but lost). Anyway, all this shit, and the supposedly aggrieved parties that feel threatened or claim to be living in fear because of an acknowledgement of a part of our history in a memorial are the ones responsible for most of the civil discord in this country. Drifting from this topic, all the discussion about Trump collusion with the Russians and their efforts to influence the election's outcome, never mention Romanian George Soros, who continues to fund groups in order to dictate the way our country is run. Talk about collusion.

  2. Anonymous8/16/2017

    Face the facts.
    Donald Trump IS our President.

  3. Anonymous8/16/2017
