Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Democrats can be quite vicious

Melania Trump recites ‘The Lord’s Prayer’; sends demonic Left into another meltdown

Yesterday, an estimated 9,000 people convened for a rally for President Trump at Orlando-Melbourne Airport in Florida.
Reportedly, thousands had descended on the airport as early as 4 a.m. that morning.
Melania Trump began the rally by reciting The Lord’s Prayer, which was taught to us by Jesus Christ Himself (Matthew 6:9-13).
The humongous crowd of 9,000 received the prayer enthusiastically.
But Melania’s recitation of The Lord’s Prayer catapulted the Left into another collective meltdown.
As reported by FoxNews:
Leftists on social media tore into First Lady Melania Trump, mocking her accent and religion and branding her everything from a hostage to a whore – all for the secular offense of reciting “The Lord’s Prayer.”
Here’s a sample:
@TrumpUriNation: “Melania read the ‘our father’ like a whore in confession after a night of escorting”
@splattne: “Melania prays (reads) the Our Father. Makes Jesus turn in his grave. Oh wait…”
@adrianshort: “With an hour’s practice I could probably say the Lord’s Prayer better in Slovene than Melania Trump does it in English.”
@carnojoe: “God Bless her, but listening to Melania do ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ sounds like someone getting cursed to become a ‘Dracula’.”
@MattDonnelly: “The way Melania choked through that Our Father tells me she has not spoken aloud for weeks.”
@GerryDuggan: “Trump is still there, so Melania’s prayer didn’t work.”
The Left’s meltdown over Melania’ recitation of The Lord’s Prayer reminds me of this:
For the Left to pick on Melania Trump for her accent is especially mean and cruel.
Melania was born in Slovenia, then part of Yugoslavia, on April 26, 1970, of humble parents. Her father managed car and motorcycle dealerships for a state-owned vehicle manufacturer; Melania’s mother was a patternmaker at a children’s clothing manufacturer.
Melania began modeling at age 5 and started doing commercials at 16. After attending the University of Ljubljana for a year, she modeled for fashion houses in Milan and Paris. She relocated to New York City in 1996 on a work visa.
Melania first met Donald Trump at a Fashion Week party in NYC in 1998. In 2001, Melania became a legal permanent resident of the United States. She and Trump were engaged in 2004, and married in an Anglican service in 2005. In 2006, Melania Trump obtained full U.S. citizenship.
Melania Trump speaks six languages: English, French, Italian, German, Serbo-Croatian and her native Slovene.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2/21/2017

    This is the Party that our Ward overwhelmingly supports. We are a good, kind and decent area that has a real family friendly atmosphere. We have many tradesmen, school teachers, first responders as well as a fairly diverse population. It is for this reason that I am so confused and even saddened to see the blind loyalty we continue to give to Fran Hurley, Bill Cunningham, and Dart. These people support a machine that works 24/7 to undermine the traditional pillars of our - or any nation. Law and order, religion, morality and family values and love of country. It is their party - the Democrat Party - that has so many people who have contempt for business and free markets, traditional values ie abortion, and seems to support people who clearly hate this country. There is a time in your life when you have to stand up for basic principles. It is time for union men and women to tell their looney fringe leadership to shut up and sit down.
