Saturday, December 17, 2016

The latest corporate scam

I was in a local Panera Bread today. I ordered a sandwich and drink. I paid with a charge card. The order taker, a very nice kid, asked me if I wanted to leave a tip. On the charge card panel was the question. DO YOU WANT TO LEAVE A TIP? YES or NO.

I have never encountered this at a fast food restaurant before. I told the order taker that this was high pressure. I then gave her a $5.00 bill which she accepted. I don't think I will ever go back to a Panera Bread again.

Are they not paying their employees enough?
Are they not factoring in the cost of labor into their products?
Are they giving all of the tip money to the employees or just a portion of it?


  1. Anonymous12/17/2016

    You had to tip before you got served?

  2. Anonymous12/17/2016

    People in the service industry are underpaid. While I agree it might be considered inappropriate to ask for a tip, it just showed up on the receipt. Sometimes people have very specialized orders in places like Panera or even Starbucks. I often tip for friendy or thorough service. I am sure that the $5.00 you left the person was really appreciated. Often people who work the more thankless service jobs below waiters do more work than the waiters who expect a tip. Interesting topic and also nice of you to have added the tip. Again, I am sure that was greatly appreciated, especially near Christmas.

  3. Anonymous12/18/2016

    Bet your ass that not all that tip money is going to the employees.

  4. Anonymous12/18/2016

    Whomever thought of this has an MBA.

  5. Anonymous12/19/2016

    You do have to worry about someone spitting into your food.

    1. Anonymous12/19/2016

      Anything less than 20% could invite outrage.

  6. Anonymous12/19/2016

    you know what Murph? you have turned into such a little bitch pussy... crying about everything, you self deserving little prick, these folks work very hard to serve all the white elitests like you, give the poor boy a tip and shut up and eat your samich!
    what we need is a $15 dollar minimum wage up in here.

    1. and I bet you voted for Hillary

    2. Anonymous12/20/2016

      The above doesn't get it. There is a genuine issue as to whether the employees are actually getting the tip money that they are being forced to solicit.

    3. Anonymous12/20/2016

      Why stop at $15? Why not $20 or $25? I fail to see the reason why not.,

  7. Anonymous12/20/2016

    yea this is mt. greenwood racists at their best.. damn straight we need a $15 dollar, and the other cracker is right why not $25 do you work for less then that??? if we are going to get up out the house and serve you all we should get paid that much

    1. Anonymous12/21/2016

      Not everyone can work for the city.
