Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Donald Trump is coming to town!

And he's marching in the South Side Irish parade!

Sec Serv advance team was on Western Ave. today. 


  1. Anonymous3/10/2016

    GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz tells The Brody File that the reason Donald Trump is performing well in the GOP race for president is because his voters are uninformed and not engaged in the process. “Donald does well with voters who have relatively low information, who are not that engaged and who are angry and they see him as an angry voice. Where we are beating him is when voters’ get more engaged and they get more informed.” Hunch: I’m thinking Trump and his “Silent Majority” may push back on this just a bit don’t you think?

  2. Anonymous3/10/2016

    He's crashing O'Sheas party at Nellos

    1. Anonymous3/10/2016

      What party is that??????????????

    2. Anonymous3/10/2016

      Frananellos right before the parade. You need an invite.

    3. Anonymous3/11/2016

      How do you get an invite?

    4. Anonymous3/11/2016

      You gotta be connected. No POS allowed. Security at the door will throw your lousy ass out.

  3. Anonymous3/10/2016

    Cruz ignores the premise that both he and Rubio were part of the existing crop of Republicans who sat in Congress for the past 4 years and were unable to accomplish anything. Although Cruz entertained the country with his reading of Green Eggs and Ham, he was unable to assemble the Republican controlled senate to stop raising the debt ceiling, stop Obamacare and do anything about the influx of illegal aliens. Rubio on the other hand, didn't think attending Senate votes was as much fun as trolling gay bars or running around with women he wasn't married to. Neither of these issues show up in the hundreds of thousands of media spots the PACs have purchased for them. Its remarkable Cruz has a following as large as he has given that every Republican in the Senate is said to despise him.

    Although not as polished as the fast talking heads he's running against, Trump focuses on the obvious, which all the candidates Republican and Democrat claim to understand, but fail to acknowledge as their responsibility. Its a simple concept. You shit your pants, you clean it up and don't point your fingers at somebody else as being responsible for the smell.

  4. Anonymous3/10/2016

    I've never seen Trump wearing a green tie before.

  5. Anonymous3/10/2016

    The 19th Ward Democrats aren't gonna like this!

  6. Anonymous3/10/2016

    Best thing that ever happened at the parde.

  7. Anonymous3/11/2016

    Maybe Pick's should back a winner

  8. Anonymous3/11/2016

    I wasn't ' too crazy when slick Willie marched in it back in the 80's. I sure hope that shrill tramp he's married to doesn't show up.
