Thursday, February 11, 2016

Just another double talking politician

She said this

The flag had a place on her shelf


  1. Anonymous2/11/2016

    Her husband also was behind the Defense of Marriage Act which tried to federalize the one man one woman equals marriage proposition. She did not run in 2008 as pro-gay marriage, Obama didn't even then or when he ran for re-election in 2012. Now they are ALL pro-gay marriage and pro LGBTQ LMNOP...rights....and that is just FINE with all the activists...she and Comrade Bernie are running for Pres..talking as if the Republicans are currently in the White House! Noone seems to notice and certainly very few are pointing out this glaring and ridiculous hypocrisy. Seems like it would be perfect fodder for some funny Saturday Night Live skits.....but no! No! They will never go after the Democrats....certainly not in a mean they do every week to Republicans.

  2. Anonymous2/11/2016

    Hillary Clinton hates the Catholic Church the Church that is so much a part of our 19th Ward !! IE they hate you if you are pro-life - pro-traditional marriage. She is a far left hippy. She needs to go....probably go to jail....but "AT THIS POINT....WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE? "
