Monday, January 5, 2015

Democratic, Republican or Independent.


  1. Anonymous2/24/2016

    I just read that Fidel Castro's older brother Ramon died. Maybe they can keep him on ice long enough for Obama to make it to his funeral since he's planning on being in Cuba next month. Nah, he didn't make it to Justice Scolias funeral and that one was less than 3 miles away. But then again the Supreme Court Justice wasn't a communist or socialist.

  2. Anonymous2/24/2016

    I used to be a dem but no longer. They lost me with Obama. I think they lost allot of people. Independent for now on.

  3. Anonymous11/23/2019

    We certainly had much more respect in the world prior to the current administration. We are a circus around the world now, every day our government is an embarrassment. Can't imagine any American being proud of our current (#45) presidency.
