Thursday, December 10, 2015
Rahm is sorry
This guy is going down fast. People sense his insincerity and contempt. He is looking for a spot on Hillary's campaign staff now. He may be too hot for even that. Cabinet post for Obama?
I'm no fan of the Mayor, but I'm less a fan of the mob that goes for their instant gratification of bypassing the political process that put him there. You want Rahm gone, then go and register to vote the ones that share your feeling about whats going on in this city. This gimme gimme gimme bullshit is getting old.
But before you do that, maybe you could do something about raising your children to aspire to be something more than gang banging street thugs.
Short of that, maybe you could update the photos of your kids so that when they killed in the midst of some felony they're committing, we could have something to look at instead of their fucking 8th grade graduation photo, even though it may have been taken shortly after their 17th birthday.
The one thing that stands out to me here is that no one stands behind Emanuel. We all have our reasons and all of them are different. What really stands out though, is that this man is 100% sociopath, and will lie to any and everybody just to get his way. I don't side with BLM, but for crap's sake, the man's candidacy for the first term started with an outright lie: residency. Since then, it has been nothing but more lies. People are miserable, and because this man is so unlikeable and disingenuous, people are tired of the bullish-t. Say what you will about Daley, but for 22 years he kept this city and all of its people in check. And Daley, unlike Rahm, is from this city. He may be an asshole, but for crap's sake, at least he's our asshole, not some snooty and elitist prick who thinks that pulling his bullshit bully tactics on people from elsewhere (for Clinton and Obama) would work here. This is our city. It's time we take it back. Let the chips fall where they may after he is gone. I can guarantee you that when someone else does take office, we will have someone who comes in and breaks off all the pieces for all of the communities so that they are happy, just like Daley did, and not this New Trier grad. In the land of the blind, outside of a city of tough people like ours, he may be a hatchet man. But in this city, where generations upon generations have grown up and settled, his bullshit bully tactics get called for their bluff. Without his protection and money, the man is nothing. And if one thing is certain, if he came to this city today, he'd just be another wanking North Shore dweeb who wanted to get the "city experience" before carting his kids off to "greener" pastures. He needs to go, and now. He really is a cancer on this city.
Very good analysis of the chronology of Rahmbo. One thing that I think is relevant is that way back when, I heard liberals who were plugged into the liberal radical class, the same group that sprang Obama on us virtually out of nowhere - that group was touting Rahm for mayor, which sounded ridiculous at first. I think that he was put in there by the same far left socialist, America haters like Bill Ayers ala UIC, and all the weird beard freaks from the U of C. Along with the uber rich limousine liberals and their cash. I think he disappointed them by actually trying to face up to the very real money problems our city was facing after Daley. Daley did some good as you say, but he is the one who left us in this fiscal nightmare. He knew it was coming, *(it actually had already hit us), but he used the 1Billion dollar parking meter fund to fill the $500 million budget deficit in his last year. So now Rahm is not exactly playing ball with the spendaholic leftists who put him into office. Just remember, Chuy was a big time leftist politician in Springfield. Meet the new boss....he may be worse than the current boss. Can you say massive tax hikes?
He will land on his feet.
ReplyDeleteHe will throw everyone under the bus first.
ReplyDeleteWhose it going to be Dan Hynes or Tom Dart for mayor?
ReplyDeleteIs the David Koschman case about to come back to life?
ReplyDeleteyou can bet your boots it is. this time there will be indictments.
DeleteWhoever was involved. Cops, mayoral aides, assistant states attorneys are going to be the targets. Daley and Devine didn't know anything.
DeleteA lot of people don't know this but the Hynes family still runs the 19th ward from their power base on the Northside which is where they all live now.
ReplyDeletePickle Joyce would strongly disagree with that.
DeletePickle Joyce would disagree.
DeleteJoyce family runs it.
DeleteDan Hynes with his vast knowledge of politics is telling Matt how to run the show.
DeleteI'm no fan of the Mayor, but I'm less a fan of the mob that goes for their instant gratification of bypassing the political process that put him there. You want Rahm gone, then go and register to vote the ones that share your feeling about whats going on in this city. This gimme gimme gimme bullshit is getting old.
ReplyDeleteBut before you do that, maybe you could do something about raising your children to aspire to be something more than gang banging street thugs.
Short of that, maybe you could update the photos of your kids so that when they killed in the midst of some felony they're committing, we could have something to look at instead of their fucking 8th grade graduation photo, even though it may have been taken shortly after their 17th birthday.
DeleteThe one thing that stands out to me here is that no one stands behind Emanuel. We all have our reasons and all of them are different. What really stands out though, is that this man is 100% sociopath, and will lie to any and everybody just to get his way. I don't side with BLM, but for crap's sake, the man's candidacy for the first term started with an outright lie: residency. Since then, it has been nothing but more lies. People are miserable, and because this man is so unlikeable and disingenuous, people are tired of the bullish-t. Say what you will about Daley, but for 22 years he kept this city and all of its people in check. And Daley, unlike Rahm, is from this city. He may be an asshole, but for crap's sake, at least he's our asshole, not some snooty and elitist prick who thinks that pulling his bullshit bully tactics on people from elsewhere (for Clinton and Obama) would work here. This is our city. It's time we take it back. Let the chips fall where they may after he is gone. I can guarantee you that when someone else does take office, we will have someone who comes in and breaks off all the pieces for all of the communities so that they are happy, just like Daley did, and not this New Trier grad. In the land of the blind, outside of a city of tough people like ours, he may be a hatchet man. But in this city, where generations upon generations have grown up and settled, his bullshit bully tactics get called for their bluff. Without his protection and money, the man is nothing. And if one thing is certain, if he came to this city today, he'd just be another wanking North Shore dweeb who wanted to get the "city experience" before carting his kids off to "greener" pastures. He needs to go, and now. He really is a cancer on this city.
ReplyDeleteSend Rahm back to Highland Park
DeleteVery good analysis of the chronology of Rahmbo. One thing that I think is relevant is that way back when, I heard liberals who were plugged into the liberal radical class, the same group that sprang Obama on us virtually out of nowhere - that group was touting Rahm for mayor, which sounded ridiculous at first. I think that he was put in there by the same far left socialist, America haters like Bill Ayers ala UIC, and all the weird beard freaks from the U of C. Along with the uber rich limousine liberals and their cash. I think he disappointed them by actually trying to face up to the very real money problems our city was facing after Daley. Daley did some good as you say, but he is the one who left us in this fiscal nightmare. He knew it was coming, *(it actually had already hit us), but he used the 1Billion dollar parking meter fund to fill the $500 million budget deficit in his last year. So now Rahm is not exactly playing ball with the spendaholic leftists who put him into office. Just remember, Chuy was a big time leftist politician in Springfield. Meet the new boss....he may be worse than the current boss. Can you say massive tax hikes?
DeleteTo Anonymous "The one thing that stands out to me..." Thank you, thank you and thank you some more. I completely agree...Rahm sadly does not get it.