Another Obama mystery: He wore a wedding ring as a single man
In Western cultures, a married person wears his or her wedding ring on the ring or 4th finger. Indeed, the married Barack Obama wears a gold ring on his ring finger.
But what is odd is that Obama had worn a ring on his wedding ring finger long before he married Mooch in 1992, since at least his days as a student at Occidental College, CA (1979-81).
Below are 3 photos of Obama wearing a “wedding ring” at Occidental.

Here’s a pic of Obama allegedly (not!) with his maternal grandparents, when he was a student at
Columbia University (1981-83). Once again, he was wearing a “wedding ring”.
Here’s Obama wearing a “wedding ring” as a student at Harvard Law School (1988-91):
Here are 2 photos of Obama and Mooch when they were dating. (They met in June 1989; got engaged in 1991; married on Oct. 3, 1992.) Note the ring on his left ring finger and the absence of ring on hers.
As the above pics show, Obama had worn a ring on his wedding ring finger when he was single, years before he married.
But is it the same ring?
Let’s compare the gold ring Obama is wearing today with the ring he was wearing at Occidental College:
Sure looks like the same ring to me.
What is even stranger is that the ring that Obama has been wearing as both a single and a married man is not a smooth band, but appears to be sculpted or incised.
Here are close-ups of the inscription on Obama’s ring:
WND asked Egyptian-born Islamic scholar Mark A. Gabriel, Ph.D., to examine the above close-up photos of Obama’s ring. Gabriel’s expert opinion is that the ring is inscribed with these words in Arabic:
There is no god but Allah
That phrase is the first half of the Shahada. The Shahada is the first of the Five Pillars of Islam, expressing the two fundamental beliefs that make a person a Muslim:
- There is no god but Allah
- Muhammad is Allah’s prophet
Here’s the entire Shahada in Arabic script: لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله
Sincere recitation of the Shahada is the sole requirement for becoming a Muslim, as it expresses a person’s rejection of all other gods. Faithfully wearing a ring inscribed with the Shahada is even more a demonstration of commitment than a mere recitation.
It is believed that, while he was a student at Occidental, Obama traveled to (Islamic) Pakistan in 1981, where he stayed for 3 months. Those photos of Obama wearing the Shahada ring at Occidental were taken in 1981.
Obama is so wedded to the Shahada ring that he wore it as a single man and is wearing it today as his wedding band.
How is it that just 8 years after 9/11, the US elected guy with a Muslim name who does not have any verifiable past. Where was he born? Where did he grow up? He went to Columbia but nobody remembers him? President of Harvard Law School but never published an article? Never practiced law? Never held a job?
ReplyDeleteAnd the timing and intensity of that Hurricane Sandy?
Americans need to sit down and ponder this.
That looks like my ring which was stolen from me by a black kid in Hawaii years ago.
ReplyDeleteHis past was completely censored from us back in 06? when he became a Senator. Tribune sued to get Blair Hull's sealed transcripts from divorce opened. (As if all accusations in a contentious divorce are based on facts). Next they turned on his FIRST Republican opponent....Jack Ryan - and did the same thing....Trib said the Senate seat was "too important" not to know the truth (again like it is automatically truthful when someone throws accusations your way in divorce). So they machine gunned all his opponents....then we have a financial melt down just 90 days out from the Presidential election.....and presto....Pres Barry Soetoro.....or Barack Obama...or whoever he is. Every time you dig a little about his background it gets weirder. Benghazi was another example of the corrupted leftist media shielding him from a foreign policy disaster just sixty days from his election. Join Freedom Works or Tea Party...learn how to get active....there is "Freedom Summit Chicago" November 14 Saturday in Itasca ....for $29 you can network with conservative activists...Sean Hannity and others will be there....start your own cell of conservatism and branch isn't really is refreshing to meet others of like mind. Just do it !!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIf it walks like a duck ??
ReplyDeleteI don't know if Obama is a Muslim, but I do know that he is not very bright.