Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Joe Biden is running as Hillary's campaign is mortally wounded.

Stands for nothing, which is still more than Hillary stands for.


  1. Anonymous8/25/2015

    Hillary's campaign mortally wounded? She'd never admit it. You might think she's in denial. Looking at herself in a mirror and thinking she looks good in a pantsuit is all you'd need to realize that. The whole Bengazi thing tore it for me, and don't even get started on her personal server and the classified emails that were wiped. The laws apply to you and I, but she's above and beyond that. Why? Remember the hearings on Bengazi (sp?) when she tried to go on the offensive with the "what difference does it make" comment? I wonder if she'd feel the same way if it was her kid that was murdered and dragged through the streets.

  2. Anonymous8/25/2015

    It would never be her kid, you have to love America to be willing to die for it. Our betters never serve.

  3. Anonymous9/12/2015

    Question: Under what circumstances might Joe Biden enter the presidential race?

    Answer: If, by the end of October, Hillary Clinton can no longer withstand dropping poll numbers and increasing heat on her email and Benghazi controversies.
