Rubio looked presidential and then I thought about how nicely Obama presented himself in the early goings before deciding to run in 2008. Smooth talkers both of them, but in the end talk is cheap and I'd prefer not to go through anymore of this bullshit. So for as little substance on specifics, Trump showed he could get pissed off, he doesn't need anyone's money, he acknowledged utilizing laws, created by state and federal legislatures to improve his business profit and loss situation. If he doesn't speak about Rosie futures (except the one he called a pig), I can live with that. Bottom line is at the end of the day, the success or failure of where we end up rests with the president's ability to get along with both houses of Congress. The rest is all bullshit.
Rubio looked presidential and then I thought about how nicely Obama presented himself in the early goings before deciding to run in 2008. Smooth talkers both of them, but in the end talk is cheap and I'd prefer not to go through anymore of this bullshit. So for as little substance on specifics, Trump showed he could get pissed off, he doesn't need anyone's money, he acknowledged utilizing laws, created by state and federal legislatures to improve his business profit and loss situation. If he doesn't speak about Rosie futures (except the one he called a pig), I can live with that. Bottom line is at the end of the day, the success or failure of where we end up rests with the president's ability to get along with both houses of Congress. The rest is all bullshit.