Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Trump is doing something right

Donald Trump once described his often-criticized sign onTrump Tower in Chicago as “magnificent and popular.” A new poll shows many Republicans are now describing him the exact same way.
The Washington Post/ABC News poll released Wednesday shows a massive shift in Trump’s popularity — and it’s a shift
toward the positive.
A majority of Republicans say they have a positive view of him (57 percent), while 40 percent say they view him unfavorably. That’s a massive change from the same poll in May, in which 65 percent said they view him unfavorably and only 16 percent had a positive view of him.
This comes on the heels of a USA Today/Suffolk University poll released Tuesday showing Trump with the edge against former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. While the significance of that poll can be debated due to its small sample size, Trump’s 3-point lead and the poll’s large margin of error (+/- 5.25 percent), the Washington Post/ABC News poll is a different story. With a margin of error of +/- 3.5 percent, no matter how you cut it, Trump’s message on immigration is being favorably received.


  1. Anonymous7/15/2015

    Friend of the Clinton, close friend of Hillary's. Destroying the Republican brand, not exactly a brand that needed help destroying. I think he will effectively kill the "front runner" Jeb Bush. A good thing for America.

  2. Anonymous7/15/2015

    In the words of Tip O'Neill..."The horse that runs fast early fades in the stretch."
    Just ask Aurelia Pucinski when she ran in 1994 for County Board President.

  3. Anonymous7/16/2015

    It really is too early to tell what ultimate effect Trump will have on the 2016 election. But judging from the first ten days or so...he has knocked both Republicana and Democrat establishments on their heels as well as the uber leftist media . The liberal media behemoth is really a paper tiger...the idea that we have to pussy foot around all the important issues or get beat up in the media is not the case after all. If you stand up, stick up for yourself and your views, you can push the media back. After all big majorities of Americans are tired of illegals everywhere you turn. And yes they are taking our jobs....the Democrat, Republican, union, media,business community and on and on favor letting these largely unskilled, uneducated workers into our country because it benefits THEM. Americans are truly sick of this and are rallying behind the only guy who seems to have the balls to say so. Right now I would vote for him, put a lawn sign out, and pass out literature for Trump. The party of the "working families" and the "proud union homes"....the Democrats seem to be loving this invasion of our country....all at the expense of the working families and proud union homes of which they pretend to support.

    1. Anonymous7/16/2015

      You're right about that, more taxes, more movement to the left, glorifying felons, staying mute on policy shortcomings and bullshitting about foreign diplomacy. Honestly, any candidate would be hard pressed NOT to do a better job than Obama. I can imagine the Donald telling Al Sharpton to go "f" himself, and all the "politically correct" network mavens the same. My guess is he'll have an impact over the next 10 months or so, and then maybe one of the parties will come up with somebody who decided to grow a pair and speak for the middle class without giving everything away to the upper and lower classes.
