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Truth Teller |
Why is everyone saying that Donald Trump can't get elected president? Why? Why? Why not? Is he being buried by the media for fear of incredible popularity?
The man is speaking the truth and making sense. You know what he stands for. I can't say that for any other candidate.
I don't like the sign on his building. It's too big.
ReplyDeleteFormer New York Gov. George Pataki has launched a broadside against Donald Trump over his controversial remarks on Mexican immigrants, sending an open letter this week to every other Republican presidential candidate urging them to "denounce his comments today."
ReplyDeleteThe letter has, in turn, triggered a bitter Twitter feud between the two 2016 candidates, as Trump also spars with everyone from NBC to Macy's to the New York City government.
ReplyDeleteTrump is too honest and doesn't owe favors to anyone.
ReplyDeleteDemocrats and Republicans fear that.
See this before. 1992 Ross Perot. The bloviating billionaire that appeals to working-class angst. Trade is attacked. Immigrants. For Perot, it was NAFTA.
ReplyDeleteOne. Two. Three. Supports "traditional marriage" so much that he is on his third "traditional marriage." Not sure who buys this bollocks. This third "traditional" wife of course is a model.
By the way, people attending and then cheering at his speeches are paid actors. Literally.
Paid actors, kinda like da union guys dat get bussed in for any Lipinski, Cunningham, et.al. townhall who then shout down anyone who wants to bring up a real point. Yeah, dem paid actors.
DeleteBS. you must be a member of the mainstream media.
ReplyDeleteHe polls at #2 among the current crop of Republican candidates and without fear of being correct, as opposed to politically correct, the liberal left and their media minions seek to bury him before he gains any more momentum. Ross Perot was a different character altogether and the times were much different back then. If he's full of crap about Mexico, why are all those cartels operating there? Would you suggest there isn't a cocaine problem streaming into the United States from Mexico. Fact of the matter is all of the candidates are pandering for the Hispanic vote. You don't hear much about illegal Canadians crossing into the country here, or Canadian drug cartels. But tell the truth, and if it rebuts the bullshit MSNBC and CNN are peddling, they do everything they can to hang you out to dry. If anything he's said is inflammatory or libelous, let someone take him to court to refute it. That is of course if the judiciary is doing its job instead of legislating Obama's mistakes for him.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who uses "bollocks" is no South Sider. Probably not American. Probably a left wing Euro Socialist. Irish? Probably. English? possibly. It should be clear to anyone who is at all objective that the media is coming after him along with our whole leftist society. Big media, Latino pressure groups, liberal Hollyweird idiots...the list is endless. But beware....the Donald will fight back. That is why they FEAR him. Look what happened to Neil Young (the geriatric hippy leftist multi multi millionaire hypocrite). Trump used his song "Rockin in the Free World" at his presser announcement. Neil Old, I mean Young sent out a statement saying he is supporting Hillary, and Trump had no right to use the song, whine whine whine. Like they always do....but Trump immediately shot back on Twitter with a picture of he and Neil Young shaking hands in Trumps office just a few weeks prior....where Trump tweeted that Neil Young was there to ask Donald to invest money in a venture of his. This time we are fighting back....from DAY ONE !!
ReplyDeleteSince its beginning, Donald Trump‘s 2016 campaign has largely been concerned with his repeated defense of his controversial statements that all Mexican immigrants are rapists and criminals.
ReplyDeleteTrump took to Twitter on Friday to politicize the death of a woman in San Francisco earlier today, insisting that her murder by an illegal immigrant proves him right all along.
ABC News reported on Friday that Kathryn Steinle was walking with her father around the city waterfront before being shot in what has been described as a random act of violence. The suspected shooter is Francisco Sanchez, who has faced felony drug charges in the past and has been deported to Mexico five times previously.
Yes his campaign has largely been concerned with this issue because the media and the leftist coalition is out to destroy him and are covering this remark non stop. Hillary wont release most of her emails from an illegal server she set up while Sec of State and the media drops it quickly....no follow up....no drumbeat. Even though it is likely she broke one or many many laws....this would have garnered a completely hostile reaction by the media had it been a Republican. The media is openly hostile to Republicans....the vast majority of media not only are not Republicans....they HATE Republicans and see it as their duty to destroy them .....meanwhile in reality....we have hundreds of thousands of illegals (mostly Mexican) flooding our borders....over 1 in 4 inmates in our jails are foreign....mostly Mexican....that would seem to indicate that yes....there are drug cartels in Mexico operating here, polluting our neighborhoods, there are rapists, and murderers, and thieves among those sneaking into our country. The more the media focuses on Trump to try to destroy him the more popular he seems to be....could it be that he just has the cajones to speak the truth? Also the Democrat Union sheep keep supporting the liberal Democrats as they roll out the red carpet for these illegals during a time of high American unemployment. Some of those illegals will be your replacements.
DeleteSo what? It is true...you see murders and drug arrests in Mexican neighborhoods here in Chicago almost daily. Do we ever ever ever find out if these suspects that are arrested are here ILLEGALLY? Of course not because the lying media refuse to give us the facts. I think it is because those facts would hurt severely, those who want the illegal gravy train of future Democrat voters to keep going. Basically the Democratic Party needs to import voters from third world crap holes and Socialist Europeans who are importing their failed policies to this country.
DeleteAnd "our" sheriff won't hold illegals transferred from CPD lockups to the county to hold for ICE
DeleteFact is, he may very well get elected and go on to serve as a very good president.
ReplyDeleteAnd his take on jobs being outsourced ed is spot on. I think the Clinton's thru Rahm, are some of the few that benefit ed from NAFTA. And John Kerry sure seems to be do I g a bang up job on the Iranian nuclear talks. Imagine explaining why your balls are glowing in the dark to your grandkids after Iran gets the bomb.
ReplyDeleteWas watching Fox News and they had Ari Fliesher on and he was dissing the Donald as a serious republican candidate. From where I sit, he know business, negotiation, promotion and where to draw the line before he says enough. I don't know of any current elected democrats who can do that.....when was that deadline before the walkaway from the Iran nuclear treaty....oh yeah, the line in the sand was moved again. I don't think Kerry could negotiate his way out of a parking space.