Monday, June 29, 2015

The sorry state of the Presidency

White House lit in rainbow colors after Supreme Court ruling - FOX 32 News Chicago


  1. Anonymous6/29/2015

    This whole thing has just been an experiment to see to what extent the masses can be manipulated.

  2. Professor Ambiguous6/29/2015

    In less than 30 years, historians will look back at this and laugh.

    1. Anonymous7/02/2015

      less than 30 years, historians will look back at this and laugh.

      And say how could a whole country be so obsessed with things like gay marriage, the Kardashians, sports heros/role models who beat their old ladies and movies stars.

      While the whole time the financial structure eroded in the Former United States and brought about a new collective system gov’t that we have now. 30 years later.

  3. Anonymous6/29/2015

    This may very well be the beginning of the end unless those that subscribe to natural law have the courage to fight back. Here in 19 one must explain the facts of life to our young followed by getting our elected officials on the record and last insisting local clergy use their pulpits wisely and explain natural law in a Christian context. This is a very serious situation because if one believes in the absurdity of gay marriage they can be taught to believe anything the corrupt manipulators want them to believe.

  4. Anonymous6/29/2015

    This entire left of center administration pre-occupation with socialistic causes will ultimately be the ruin of the country. With Obama's refusal to acknowledge the existence of radical Islam in those terms, with John Kerry's inept performance in handling the nuclear weapon situation in Iran, and while all this is going on the administration forces Obamacare on the country. Already the result can be seen in the reduction of full time employment by companies skirting the requirements to provide benefits. Lighting up the White House with the Gay flag colors pre-supposes everyone in the country is ok with the Supreme Court decision on gay marriage.
    Over the span of the last 7 years we've witnessed this administration ignore real social issues like the lawlessness of Ferguson, Missouri and point a finger at law enforcement; eulogizing felons, praising military deserters, giving credibility to shake-down artists like Al Sharpton.

    The Ferguson situation and Eric Holder's response to it was reprehensible. The attorney general in Baltimore placing murder related charges against 6 Baltimore police officers has elevated pandering to new heights. Sorry gang, this country is fucked.

    At some point, and hopefully not too long from now, we'll cross the line of political correctness in favor of plain correctness. And for those of us here in Chicago, whose taxpayer dollars will be used for "Burge reparation funding", I strongly suggest reading Martin Preib's "Crooked City" or former reporter Bill Crawford's "Justice Perverted". Those two books will clearly illustrate how the City, through us the taxpayers are rewarding career felons (murderers). Open your eyes. Okay, I'm done ranting. Thanks

  5. Anonymous6/29/2015

    Future Business Alert: Don't bother opening any child day care centers or stores specializing in Maternity or baby clothes, in Democrat neighborhoods.. Move them to Bridgeview, you will make millions,

  6. Anonymous6/29/2015

    Obama doesn’t give a crap about the middle class. He could care less about working people. He’s unconcerned with struggling families, veterans, and small business owners. But you know what? The President loves him some gay folks. So much so that following the Supreme Court ruling in favor of gay marriage, he illuminated the White House in the gay rainbow colors.

    Obama also showed his true colors today. As soon as the Supreme Court handed down its decision legalizing gay marriage, he called the plaintiff in the case to congratulate him. The White House Twitter account, not Obama’s personal account, changed its logo to a cartoony rainbow White House as well.

    From a press conference in the Rose Garden Obama gloated, “Today, we can say in no uncertain terms that we have made our union a little more perfect.”

    Yes, we are a more perfect union because guys who buttf*ck each other can now get married in all 50 states. That ranks right up there with the discovery of penicillin and man landing on the moon.

    Obama is acting like a rabid sports fan celebrating his team winning a championship. I’m surprised he didn’t bust out the Champaign and spray reporters in victory.

    This seems like an insane amount of commemoration from a man that up until 3 years ago opposed gay marriage. Maybe Obama is trying to tell us something, because I cannot recall White House festivities of this magnitude ever.

    Personally, I find all of this offensive and it has nothing to do with my opinion on gay marriage. Obama is the president of the United States, not the Gay States of America. This celebration is very un-presidential and undignified. Continuing with the sports analogies, this was a huge display of poor sportsmanship.

  7. Anonymous6/29/2015

    "Darkest 24 hours in our nation's history" -- Ted Cruz

    Did someone forget about 9/11?

    I sure as hell did not!
