Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Dr. Ben Carson, a great example of what one can be!


By Ulysses Arn - 
This past Sunday, Dr. Ben Carson accepted the invitation of Pastor Corey Brooks to come to Chicago's south side to talk about the issues facing the inner city and the people who live there.
After touring one of the worst neighborhoods in Chicago with Pastor Brooks, former congressman Joe Walsh, and state Sen. Jim Oberweis, Dr. Carson told more than 200 people who came out on a hot Father's day afternoon about his growing up in poverty and being forced by his mother to read and to get a good education and how that opened doors to him that has led him to being a Republican presidential candidate, and at this point the only African-American in either party running to succeed President Obama.
Those in attendance were very welcoming to Dr. Carson's message about the importance of education, and emphasis on reading and the need for reforms such as vouchers and school choice.
Dr. Carson also talked about the need to improve the inner city economy, and the nations as a whole, by lowering corporate taxes and allowing repatriation of overseas profits to spur economic growth. On repatriation Carson included a requirement that companies would have to use 10 percent of the money brought into the county that is currently sitting overseas to create jobs and to hire new works to get more people off of welfare and other public assistance.
Pastor Brooks has invited all Republican and Democrat candidates to come to Chicago's south side and to talk to people about the issues facing Chicago and other major cities across the nation.  Last month Sen. Rand Paul was the first to make an appearance.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6/24/2015

    One slight correction to the above great article which states the Dr. Carson is the only African American running to succeed Barak Obama. Chicago's very own esteemed African American Dr. Willie Wilson is also running for POTUS.
