Saturday, March 21, 2015

John Stossel: Chicago On It's Way To Becoming The Next Detroit


  1. Anonymous3/21/2015

    This pisses me off.

  2. Anonymous3/21/2015

    Every public official that served between 1995 and 2010 had a hand in this. Either they were too stupid, too scared or too corrupt to say anything. I think all 3.

  3. Anonymous3/21/2015

    Rahm is going to get reelected, kick the pension can down the road and get out of Dodge before it comes due again. City workers, past and present are screwed. This will become most evident during the weeks right after election day.

  4. Anonymous3/22/2015

    It is the State and City. It is corrupt and dysfunctional. It is all about preventing new businesses from forming and taxing them. If some survive, then they go after them.

    It is insane.

  5. Anonymous3/22/2015

    Blame it on the many years have they been in power?

  6. Anonymous3/23/2015

    the last aspect of the report was the most telling and surprising....Democrats in 100% control for 84 straight years!

    $19,000.00 per Chicago resident of attributable Debt!
    Chicago Is basically screwed.
    no as all ofthis pertains to Rahm Emanuel ? well he had better win, Chuy will fuck this up.. I am with Matt Oshea on this one, we need to re-elct Rahm,
    Pickle Joyce is WAY OFF base on this race, he is backing Chuy, he isgoing against his own neighborhood and against the city workers!

  7. Anonymous3/24/2015

    Compound interest the villain. That is why millions of twenty somethings buried in debt will live miserable lives and the rest of we Land of Lincolners will join them when the State declares bankruptcy. Job well done Stossel. Now same sex partners will get widow pensions we can't afford. Hmm who do we blame for that?
