Friday, February 6, 2015

Look how far America's ethics have fallen.

NBC refuses to fire an anchor after he admitted the fabrication of a story. The anchor remains mum about his resignation while he hopes it blows over. Reminds me of when States Attorney Anita Alvarez refused to resign after she got caught with multiple homeowner tax exemptions.


  1. Anonymous2/06/2015

    Back in the 60s, creeps like these would resign and never be seen again. They would hang their hear in shame forever.

  2. Anonymous2/06/2015

    Why should he be fired? Barack lied, Hillary lied, Biden lied, Warren lied Kerry lied, Bill Clinton lied, Barney frank Lied, and Susan Rice never told the truth. Welcome to the Pinnochio Party.

  3. Anonymous2/06/2015

    Geez, the media lies and makes shit up....can you imagine?

  4. Anonymous2/06/2015

    He lied. He has to go.

  5. Anonymous2/06/2015

    The owner of the hotel next to Brian Williams’s hotel during Katrina confirmed on Facebook that Williams was lying about massive flooding in the French Quarter.

  6. Anonymous2/07/2015

    I loved the video of his daughter in the TV News truck. And no one connects who she is or who her father was?

  7. Anonymous2/07/2015

    Aww, there's a little Walter Mitty in all of us

  8. Anonymous2/09/2015

    but on the other hand the CIA has planted stories about train wrecks and plane crashes that never happened and then sent ppl into the area to see if anyone recalled them.the results were guy swore he saw the plane going down and called the cops,another said he saw the wreackage being hauled away,one guy said he HELPED passangers get out of train via breaking the windows.this is mass bullshit on a grand scale.....
