Wednesday, November 12, 2014

This may be why our fares are going up so high.

Read about the mismanagement.


  1. Anonymous11/12/2014

    Murph, this is a serious annoyance for me. I find myself driving more often downtown now. It used to be a pleasure to take the Metra. I would even, slightly, brag about the convenience and cost effectiveness of it.

    Today, they are constantly not on time and breaking down. I remember one breakdown in all the years of taking the Metra. Three past few months. Outrageous.

    Surly employees now. The pleasure, relaxing Metra has become a broken, bloated, and expensive means of transportation. Tomorrow I will drive down.

    1. Anonymous11/13/2014

      Because these conductors are making over a 100,000. All of this nonsense will lead to bankruptcy and defunct pensions. Everyone is looting the Illinois taxpayer.
