Wednesday, November 26, 2014


I find it amazing but not surprising that there are still people that refuse to acknowledge the forensic evidence and instead choose to believe that the strong armed suspect was a victim of police brutality. This attitude reeks of racism! That's right, I said racism.  
When you ignore all evidence to the contrary and believe what you want to hear there is no other reasonable explanation.
In addition, where are the people that accused the police of over responding now that Ferguson has been looted and burned? Setting up their new HD TVs or hung over from all the looted booze the acquired last night perhaps.
Michel Brown put himself in harm's way! That is what all the evidence points to. Stop looking to blame your ills on all police and all whites. This is what perpetuates racism. Working together is the only reasonable path to peace.

Reprinted from someones Facebook post.


  1. Anonymous11/26/2014

    How many protests and demonstrations would there be if the media chose not to cover them?

  2. Anonymous11/26/2014

    If I were a store owner whose business in Ferguson was looted and trashed, I'd re-open somewhere about 50 miles or so from Ferguson and leave the area a food desert. If they don't appreciate someone trying to provide necessities, well, fuck em.

  3. Anonymous11/26/2014

    And if that convenience store were a CVS, none of this would have happened since they don't sell smokes.

  4. Anonymous11/26/2014

    Thanks to Obama, Holder and the Media hype of Ferguson, new immigrants will have no problem finding jobs. Male Blacks 18-29 (aka Thugs) unemployment will go from 70 to 100 percent nationally.

  5. Anonymous11/26/2014

    These protesters sound like Communist Robots spouting anti-Capitalism rhetoric, white priviledge, blah blah blah. I hope they enjoyed themselves. Reality will set in soon enough. The lives of the locals in Ferguson will be worse - with burned buildings that were once store fronts. The remaining whites will likely flee asap, (can you blame them?). And Ferguson will slowly disintegrate further. Those outsider rabble rousing, riot inciting lunatics will leave a charred town to go wherever the next "cause" is located. First they will have to check their trust fund deposits from Mumsy and Daddy. They too will eventually have to face reality : they are 30 something losers whose only life achievements were centered around marching, chanting, causing public unrest and disturbances as well as vandalism of other (innocent) peoples property. Something to tell the Grand Kids someday I guess. Too bad Governor Nixon wasn't President Nixon. He should have sent in the Guard immediately. Knocking a few numskulls skulls would have set the tone. It seriously made me sick watching the cops and Guard standing doing little or nothing to stop rioters. And Obama with his wink and a nod to the whole stinking mess of lawlessness. I do think in the longer run, this will hurt liberals and Democrats. Enough with the lawlessness.

  6. Anonymous11/26/2014

    there are tons of liberals in the 19th ward that would see justification in these riots if not also join the protesters and wave signs,rest assured if the powers in the ward told them to go downtown and play the fool they would and suck up to their clout,saw it in my time working for the city and it still goes on,wise up.M.Scanlon .19th ward resident, and a new Republican.

  7. Anonymous11/26/2014

    whats with the typeface used on this blog site? Very difficult to make out whats blogged. I don't recall rioting and squad car burning when O.J. got off.

  8. Anonymous11/30/2014

    can only say that the well informed and unbiased reporting by that great jounalist Chri Hayes from MSNBC was the only one to tell the truth on the whole Ferguson matter...
