Monday, November 10, 2014

Fasten your seat belt

Chip on his shoulder.
We are about to get a glimpse of America in the future. All because a grand jury does not return an indictment in a case where the police officer was justified in using lethal force. This is insane. 


  1. Anonymous11/10/2014

    No worries, Rev Al and the crew from MSNBC will be on hand to cheer these disadvantaged honor students.

  2. Anonymous11/10/2014


  3. Anonymous11/10/2014

    Rumor has it that the courts were told to hold off on the verdict until later this week when the cold weather and rain is suppose to happen. As we all know the Entitlement Community does not like cold weather. They get cold fast and aren't as violent.

  4. Anonymous11/10/2014

    I though the Anon that said the verdict was being held until cold weather was going to say "Hold off on verdict until the week end when the Nigs are not working!!!" Ha, Ha, Ha!!! Every day is Saturday for these fucking leeches!!!! Over under on number of Nigs killed after the GJ come back??? 75-100 in St. Louis, Nation wide 4 to 5 hundred!!!!!! Ye Ha!!!!!!!

  5. Anonymous11/10/2014

    poor african american youth trying to get away with his school books and gym clothes to flee the violence caused by the white vigilantes..
