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THERE ARE 21 people named Cunningham on the Cook County payroll. Would someone ask Senator Cunningham how many of them are related to him? How did so many members of one family wind up working for one particular county?
A vote for Bill Cunningham is a vote for the following:
- Abortion and stem cell abuse
- Gay marriage
- Pension funding shortfalls
- A massive state income tax increase
- Whatever liberal agenda Dart tells him to vote for
Cunningham is on record for ridiculing the content of this blog.
Don't forget that Bill is a big proponent of Obama care too.
ReplyDeleteBill Cunningham pushed for Obamacare for Illinois for residents of the 19th Ward to sign up on the exchangeshe has the density to take out as encouraging residence to sign up for Obamacare in our church bulletins St. Christine is Queen of martyrs he has no shame keep your 19th Wardliberal bullshit out of our parishes
DeletePlease please neighbors let's vote this knucklehead out of office
DeleteI believe that Senator Cunningham never had a job in private industry. In other words he is a professional patroller. Hardly the type of person we want to be shaping public policy.
ReplyDeleteSadly people like him fail to understand that public service is about the commonwealth not individual wealth.
ReplyDeleteThe ward has had a succession of connected pols elected and appointed that see politics as a market for personal gain. Look at the line up. Scores of obscure men and some women for the past 50 years huddled in the ward office for opportunity and many our now very well off with huge salaries, multiple pensions,questionable real estate hustles and jobs for dead beat family members. Unfortunately the political culture supports this and in the next election we know who to blame. A guy name Elezar wrote about this some 40 years ago. The key to understand all of this is that people actually believe this is the norm.
Does he receive communion?
ReplyDeleteHe doesn't care what we think, he only cares what Madigan, and even Rahm want. Bill, they don't live in your district! You decided to represent them instead of your neighborhood. That's why we will NEVER vote for you again!
ReplyDeleteThe above commenter is correct. Bill worked for the county for 20 years. Full pension. Retired at 43. Took job with quinn to start building his state pension. After two weeks there was picked by Madigan to run for state rep. Then ran for senate. He's got his full state pension now. Lifetime bureacrat!
ReplyDeleteThats nothing, the senator before him, Edward Maloney, had 3 government pensions plus social security. WRONG WRONG WRONG
DeleteIm sure Billy will lose or retire and go work for the city to get a THIRD pension and work for the city as well. Keep grabbing our money for yourself Bill youre a true professional when it comes to that.
DeleteThis guy is from the 19th Ward??? How - where are the values? Helping pass a bill to put his police and fire neighbors onto Obamacare. Nice pay raise you gave yourselfBIll. Time to wake up people weve been sold a bag of goods. time to move on from this clown
ReplyDeleteCould care less about the people of our hood.
ReplyDeleteI saw that Cunningham advertising piece. The woman is the picture used to work in the ward office for Ginger Rugai. All tied at the hip.
ReplyDeleteStepped on toes and was retired. All kept hush hush.
DeleteIs that that Hurley who ur talking about ? Ihve herd shes good at doing everything for Bill including tying his shoes for him an spoon feeding him what to say. I guess he's too worried about finding another pension and higher salary
DeleteHer name is Pat
ReplyDeleteI remember over the summer when Quinn pulled his campaign stunt for a month about freezing pay roll of legislators, Bill Cunningham was one of the ONLY senators to go on the record in the press.. bitching and moaning about how he is not getting paid and he had bills to pay....WTF! I thought this was about public service...
ReplyDeleteand your right My parents both retired Police officers.. were forced off of their pension health care plans and onto Obama care in January.
and this jerk ACTIVELY pushed for Obama care enrollment in and in the 19th ward.
CPD icefishing
oh and by the way they ALL received their back pay check.
double dip
ReplyDeleteIf this clown like Obamacare so much, why isn't he on it? Boy - don't we all wish we had the ability to vote ourselves pay raises like Cunningham did. Must be nice to look out just for yourself.
ReplyDeleteIt will be a good year for the GOP.
ReplyDeleteI support him and will vote for him. Not sure why the rabble here have targeted him in particular.
ReplyDeleteAnd I bet you are on a payroll somewhere. Honest people will not vote for him.
DeleteTypical moron who has a lean on broom job with the government. Yeah call us rabble. I thought you Democrats (Demonrats) were the party of the little guy...or "working families"??? You have just helped me decide what to do with my weekend. I will be out in the suburbs helping elect Republicans who will hopefully beat Ritchie Cunningham.....he has stabbed all state pensioners in the back. I am not a public employee and do not receive or will not ever receive any pension. I am something you may be unfamiliar with. I am a small business owner. I am sick of getting kicked in the crotch by greasy under achievers like Cunningham. He is a hack pure and simple. And he should be careful of the rabble...we have pitch forks !!
DeleteI do not ordinarily bet, but I will take this bet. How much?
DeleteCunningham is a jerk.
DeleteWasn't he Quinns guy before senator? Was he apart of the patronage hiring that's in federal court bcuz how else wud he get that type of gig. Or i guess maybe he got it through Tommy Dart- these political hacks no wonder they dont represent us well.
ReplyDeletei for one will never vote for a narrow back of any gender ,found out they are one way,mouthy, dishonest. corrupt and also catholic,whats there to like?
ReplyDeleteBill Cunningham sponsored the bill to put police and firefighters on Obamacare. Please, let your readers know this! Retired policemen and firefighters nobly spent their whole lives serving and protecting the people of Chicago, and now they will not receive the healthcare plans that were promised to them.
ReplyDeleteThis bill was called SB1584. Here is a link to the lllinois General Assembly's website: http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/billstatus.asp?DocNum=1584&GAID=12&GA=98&DocTypeID=SB&LegID=72404&SessionID=85.
Notice that Bill Cunningham was the sponsor of the bill in the State Senate!
Clown, jerk, joke. .. all of the above! This guy has to go! On to your next pension Billy
ReplyDeletevote them all out
ReplyDeleteDo you have to slow down to 20 on 111th? Aggravated? It is nothing but a toll booth. It is coming to 103rd and by 111th to get on the express way.
ReplyDeleteRemember it is state law that allows this rip off of the taxpayers.
Laws passed by Billy Cunningham and Fran hearly.
Be sure to thank them for it.
Are they all double dippers like Bill?
ReplyDeleteQuinn and Bill CUnningham are clearly cut from the same cloth. Cunningham worked for Quinn - funny how they both are involved in clout type hiring - QUinns was illegal and beinginvestigated by feds.
ReplyDeleteSounds like his boss Madigan. Stacks the payroll to try to keep superficial power. What a HACK.
ReplyDeleteGot to go. I'm voting these cronies out
How is it that they are getting around the Shakman decree?
ReplyDeleteJust got a mailer about Cunningham.
ReplyDeleteApparently, he takes money from the railroad that blocks crossings and makes it so hard to get around the 19th Ward. That's been a public safety issue for many years around here.
I personally don't know the man but he does look like the typical Mt. Greenwood hillbilly.