Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A new approach to Pro-Life


New Born Baby Wallpapers 1
NORCROSS, GA - Defending innocent human life—from earliest biological beginning through natural death—took a major step forward this weekend in launching Personhood Alliance (PA).
"This represents an earthquake in the pro-life movement," Georgia Right to Life (GRTL) President Daniel Becker said. "Personhood Alliance stresses a back to basics approach to speaking for those who can't speak for themselves at the state, national and international level."
Unlike what he called "outdated top down" groups, Becker said PA's agenda, strategies and activities will be determined by a confederation of state pro-life organizations and leaders.
"Many existing pro-life organizations are out of touch with their base and are more interested in winning elections than saving lives," Becker said. "Personhood Alliance will draw on the strength of local organizations in developing educational and political action strategies and activities."
"Personhood Alliance's goal is to bring the movement back to its original mission," interim PA President Molly Smith said. "We will honor the fact that everyone is created in the image of God and deserves protection, regardless of manner of conception."
Becker noted that the concept of Personhood has received widespread policy support since the inception of the modern pro-life movement. It is only in recent years that the revival of personhood, as a strategy, has been seen. Many of today's pro-life organizations and leaders have come out in support of personhood as an immediate objective.


  1. Anonymous10/16/2014

    I'm pro life for married couples having children but support abortion do you realize what the crime rate would be if these future criminal bastards are allowed to be born?

  2. Anonymous10/16/2014

    Pro life and pro birth control.

  3. Anonymous10/17/2014

    how could anyone even think of hurting that beautiful Anglo Saxon Arayan child in the photo,???
