Friday, September 12, 2014

States Attorney Anita Alvarez has been caught taking multiple homeowners tax exemptions?

2 Houses

Fox News is reporting that Cook County's primary law enforcement official, the one that is supposed to protect us from crime and corruption, may herself have been receiving two homeowners exemptions. 

Of course it wasn't her fault. It was her husband's fault. That bad guy. He was greedy, inadvertent, unintentional, self-centered and mistaken, all at the same time. Problem is that the real estate belongs to her too. 

Do you want the details? Call her at her office at 312-603-8600. There are many questions to be answered. 

There is no word yet on whether she plans to resign. 


  1. Anonymous9/12/2014

    She has a D in front of her she cares.....she is a caring person.....she is a she can DO whatever she wants.....because, again......she really really cares....If YOU did mercy.

  2. Anonymous9/12/2014

    Naturally, it was a simple oversight.

  3. Anonymous9/12/2014

    really? seriously?

  4. Anonymous9/13/2014

    I do not believe that she didn't know. What happened here was an an intentional tax fraud or it was a reckless disregard for the legal requirements of real estate ownership. Either way, it reflects poorly on her character and her judgement.

    Sadly, this is just another chapter in a book entitled Anita Alvarez Short Stories, a tale of how someone has failed live up to their expectations.

  5. Anonymous9/13/2014

    Just resign

  6. Anonymous9/13/2014

    In most places she would be expected to resign her office immediately.

    1. Anonymous9/14/2014

      In japan, she would be expected to throw herself on her sword.

    2. Anonymous9/14/2014

      She doesn't need to fall on the sword. Just admit she's a failure and quit.

    3. Anonymous9/14/2014

      Where is the Better Government Association investigation ?

  7. Anonymous9/13/2014

    Why isn't she called on to resign?
    Why doesn't she step down?
    Why is she running unopposed?
    Why isn't the attorneys general investigating her?
    Under Illinois law marital property is jointly owned communal property. Blaming her husband or claiming ignorance is no defense.
    Why isn't she being charged?
    Why is the media hiding or down playing this scandal?

    1. Anonymous9/14/2014

      You cant expect her to know these things.....she is just a LAWyer after all...

  8. Anonymous9/13/2014

    I would think being the County's top attorney she would know about criminal law as applied to real estate transactions.
    She should resign immediately.

  9. Once again do as I say , not as I do.

    1. Anonymous9/24/2014

      Yep, Democrat Mantra " OK for Me, but Not for Thee".

  10. Anonymous9/14/2014

    Can someone please file an ardc beef on her.

  11. Anonymous9/14/2014

    In the very least, she has violated the spirit of the law. Resign please.

  12. Anonymous9/14/2014

    She is a POS and always has been. She shoud step down because she is a liar and a crook!

  13. Anonymous9/14/2014

    Why isn't the ARDC and the BGA and the Attorney General's office or the Cook County Inspector General's Office investigating her ? How many times has she got away with this? How many other times she broke the same laws she swore to uphold?

    1. Anonymous9/17/2014

      illinois Attorney General's Office-Shakman; is a Big Scam. Filed an unfair, corruption related employmen t/ hiring complaint against Quinn/State of Illinois. The Attorney General just passed the buck to the State Police, and I never heard another word about it after the Attorney General sent me a letter stating they were forwarding my complaint to the State Police for followup investigation. Over a year now since, and not a word. Perfect example of how the ultra-corrupt State of illinois, Crook County, City of Chicago operate. Foxes guarding the Henhouse, and Inmates running the Asylum. They're ALL corrupt, not an Honest one among them ALL.

  14. Anonymous9/16/2014

    As anyone who ever had her put on a case knows, when she was a lowly Asst. State's Attorney, she's not all that bright. But she had all the necessary qualifications to be State's Atytorney. Minority, Female, and most important, obedient to the democrat bosses, political hack

  15. Anonymous9/17/2014

    We, the TAXPAYING Citizens of Cook County, Illinois, hereby demand an immediate criminal Investigation into the conduct of Anita Alvarez, to be conducted by the U.S. Attorney's Office.

  16. Anonymous9/17/2014

    Whitewash is on.

    1. Anonymous9/24/2014

      amen. Inmates are guarding the prison, here in Crook County, Il.

  17. Anonymous9/24/2014

    And just where, again, are the Feds ? She should have been in front of a Federal Grand Jury already by now. I guess the corrupt just protect their fellow corrupt, as they all have dirt on each other, obviously. Just like schoolyard kids, " You Snitch on me for ------, I'll snitch on you for ------ . Great job once again, corrupt feds.

  18. Anonymous2/02/2015

    illinois Attorney General's Office-Shakman; is a Big Scam. Filed an unfair, corruption related employmen t/ hiring complaint against Quinn/State of Illinois. The Attorney General just passed the buck to the State Police, and I never heard another word about it after the Attorney General sent me a letter stating they were forwarding my complaint to the State Police for followup investigation. Over a year now since, and not a word. Perfect example of how the ultra-corrupt State of illinois, Crook County, City of Chicago operate. Foxes guarding the Henhouse, and Inmates running the Asylum. They're ALL corrupt, not an Honest one among them ALL.

    Nothing ever changes but the coverups, in Illinois

  19. Anonymous7/04/2015

    Getting dumped by the dems.
